A psychologist conducts exploratory research through interviews with doctoral students and literature reviews to investigate potential factors contributing to increased stress and anxiety levels among college students
A researcher is interested in studying the experiences of first-generation college students but has limited knowledge of the topic. They conduct exploratory research through interviews with students and literature reviews to develop a better understanding of the topic
An assignment of numbers to objects or events, provided that this assignment is an algebraically defined mapping of an empirical relative to a numerical relative
A scale refers to an empirical relative, a numerical relative, and a mapping function that links the two relatives
Positives: Opportunity for in-depth exploration of topics, Ability to gather rich and detailed information from participants, Flexibility in questioning and adapting to individual interviewees, Potential for building rapport and trust with interviewees
Negatives: Potential for interviewer bias and subjectivity, Difficulty in analyzing and generalizing findings, Possible lack of generalizability to larger populations, Time-consuming and resource-intensive
Positives: Cost-effective and efficient way to collect data from a large number of participants, Standardization of questions and responses allows for greater comparability across participants and studies, Participants may feel more comfortable answering sensitive questions in a private setting, Ability to collect data anonymously or with minimal personal identifying information
Negatives: Limited opportunity for in-depth exploration of topics or follow-up questions, Potential for response bias, such as social desirability bias or acquiescence bias, Possible lack of context or nuance in responses, Difficulty in confirming the accuracy or honesty of responses
Methods of collecting data that do not involve direct interaction with participants or manipulation of the environment, and therefore do not have the potential to affect or bias the data being collected
A selection of units to be investigated, used to describe the population of interest when measurement of the complete population is impossible or too costly
Representativeness is particularly important for absolute statements (e.g., in election polls) but less important for causal hypotheses, where broad variability is more important