Cards (9)

  • types
    PA: ideal type (左邊等於左邊)
    • hand behind head
    • scapular not visible
    AP: for patient unable to stand
    quality criteria RIP
    rotation: rib alignment (side closer to x ray experience greater attenuation, lung appear whiter)
    degree of inspiration: able to see 10th posterior rib, 6th anterior shd be above diaphragm (too many=hyperinflation/too few=poor inspiration)
    penetration: spinous process above heart shd be visible/ gap between vertebral bodies should be visible in heart shadow
  • airway: midline shift
    bone: look for fracture
    cardiac silhouette: heart size shd be less than radius of chest
    diaphragm: shd be rounded
    edges: outline heart and mediastinum
    fields: assess lung volum, opacotoes, nodules
    gas: evaluate presence of gastric bubble below left hemidiaphragm indicate pmeumothorax
    A) trachea
    B) mediastinum
    C) hilum
    D) heart
    E) diaphragm
    F) lung
    G) bone
    H) soft tissue
  • white lung field:
    left upper lung collapse:
    trachea deviate to left/ pneumonia/ atelectasis 肺不張/ elevated left hilum
    left lower lobe collapse:
    area increased density behind heart= consolidation
    right upper lobe collapse:
    trachea deviate to right/ horizontal fissure and hilum move up
    right middle lobe collapse:
    horizontal fissure displace down/ loss of R heart border maybe blocked by collapse lung tissue
  • consolidation vs collapse
    • consolidation has unclear boundary, collapse has clear
    • consolidation has air bronchograms(air filled bronchi surrounded), collapse doesnt have
    • consolidation wont compress rib, collapse will
    • consolidation wont cause mediastinum shift, collapse will
  • pulmonary oedema
    • cardiac hypertrophy : heart enlarge due to fluid accumulation, increased workload
    • bat wing appearance
    • hilum blurred: fluid accumulation, increased vascular marking
    • pleural effusion: fluid usually accumulate to one side instead of medial
    • kerley b line: show fluid build up in interlobular septa
  • black lung field
    • hyperinflation: low horizontal disphragm
    • pneumothorax: unilateral black lung/ sharp edge/ lack of lung marking(tension pneumothorax: trauma, air trapped in pleura, cause mediastinum shift/ spontaneous pneumothorax: air sac rupture, lung collapse)
    • bullae emphysema: alveoli lose easticity and damaged, combined tgt into large air sac bullae, which take up space and push against surrounding structure
  • mediastinum
    • thyroid
    • aorta
    • oesophagus
  • .
    A) cardiophrenic angle
    B) costophrenic angle
    • trachea slightly displace to right
    • lung marking 1-2 cm away from rib shd be seen
    • right diphragm higher than left
    • left hilum 2.5 cm higher than right
    • right heart 1/3 , left heart 2/3