Define Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training
enhances the ability to accelerate, decelerate, and dynamically stabilize the entire body through the development of the neuromuscular system at maximum intensity.
Examples of SAQ
ladders and zig zag runs
Define A in ACE FLAG
Define C in ACE FLAG
Define E in ACE FLAG
Define F in ACE FLAG
Define L in ACE FLAG
Define A in ACE FLAG
aesthetically pleasing
Define G in ACE FLAG
goal orientated
What is the environmental continuum?
open to closed
What is meant by open?
environment is unpredictable
What is meant by closed?
environment is stable and predictable
What is meant by gross?
uses large muscle groups
What is the muscular involvement continuum?
gross and fine
What is meant by fine?
uses small muscle groups
Define the pacing continuum
self paced or externally paced
What is meant by self paced?
performer has control of when to start the skill
What is meant by externally paced?
an external factor controls the start of the skill
Define the organisation continuum
low and high
What is meant by low organisation?
hard to break down into sub routines
What is meant by high organisation?
easy to break down into sub routines
Define the complexity continuum
simple and complex
What is meant by simple?
Doesn't contain many decisions
What is meant by complex?
contains many decisions
Define the continuity continuum
continuous, discrete and serial
What is meant by continuous?
no clear beginning and end
What is meant by discrete?
has a clear beginning and end
What is positive transfer?
when the learning of one skill helps the learning of another
What is negative transfer?
when the learning of one skill hinders the learning of another
What is zero transfer?
when the learning of one skill has no impact on the leaning of another
What is bilateral transfer?
when the learning of one skill is passed across the body from limb to limb
Outline transfer of learning
the effect of learning and performance of skill on the learning and performance of another
what could a coach do to encourage positive transfer?
stop bad habitsrealismprovide motivationmake sure 1st task is well learned before making progresspoint out similarities and transfer possibilities
Define skill
a learned ability to bring about pre-determined results with the minimum outlay of time, energy or both
Define whole method practice
a practice strategy that involves practicing a skill in its entirety
when is whole practice used?
when the skill is:Highly organisedcontinuoussimplewhen the performer is autonomous/experienced
advantages of whole practice
develops kinaesthesisNot time-consumingFluency - feel of skillbuilds the motor programme
disadvantage of whole practice
not for beginners (cognitive)beyond capabilities of the performerToo much info (overload causing fatigue)
examples of whole practice
High jump, golf swing
Describe whole-part-whole method
involves performing the whole skill then breaking into parts, practising the weak parts then performing the whole skill again