Embryology & Anatomy of the Ear

Cards (5)

  • Fill in the blanks
    A) External acoustic meatus
    B) Tympanic membrane
    C) Malleus
    D) Incus
    E) Stapes
    F) Eustachian tube
    G) Vestibule
    H) Vestibular nerve
    I) Cochlea
    J) Cochlear nerve
    K) Vestibulocochlear nerve
    L) Facial nerve
  • What is the bony labrinyth filled with?
  • Otic develops from specialised thickening of ectoderm (placode).
  • There are 3 epibranchial placodes, what do they give rise to?
    Neurons that delaminate from placodes & form ganglia of facial, glossopharyngeal & vagus nerves
  • Otic placode gives rise to neurons that delaminate from the placode & form cochleavestibular ganglion of the vestibulocochlear nerve.