The additional worth or value created during the production process, customers are willing to pay more for a product than the costs involved in creating the product
Transforming raw materials into finished goods (physical/tangible products), including motor manufacturing, food processing, construction, electronics manufacturing, oil refining, clothing and textiles, and the petrochemical industry
Provision of services (non-physical/non-tangible products) such as transport and distribution, retailing, banking, insurance, law, education, health care, tourism, media and entertainment, communications
Individuals and groups who own and run businesses, often with the aim to make a profit, including sole traders, partnerships, private and public limited companies, social enterprises and charities
A registered incorporated business that has a separate legal identity, limited liability and is owned by shareholders, but shares may only be traded privately
A registered incorporated business that has a separate legal identity, limited liability and is owned by shareholders, shares are listed on the stock market and may be traded publicly
An arrangement where an established business allows another business or individual to use their name, products and logo in return to a fee or royalties (a share of sales or profits)
Businesses which are not registered as companies and do not have a separate legal identify from their owners or limited liability (sole traders and partnerships)
A business which seeks to use its income and plan its activities to achieve social or environmental aims rather than to simply make a profit for owners
Any individual or groups who has an interest in what a business does and how it does it, including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, local community, trade unions, pressure groups and government