cultural variations

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  • indigenous researchers
    P: strength - research conducted by indigenous researchers
    E: van izjendoorn and kroonenberg included research from a german and japansese researcher
    E: problems with cross-cultural research like misunderstanding ppts language could be avoided
    L: therefore increases validity of data
  • counterpoint
    P: limitation - not true for all cross-cultural research
    E: researchers were outsiders when studying child-rearing practices in Efe of Zaire
    E: data may have been affected by difficulties in gathering data from ppts outside of their culture
    L: therefore data form some countries affected by bias in cross-cultural research
  • confounding variables
    P: limitation - confounding variable impact findings
    E: environmental factors may differ between studies and affect results
    E: less visible proximity seeking due to room size may mean baby is classsesed as insecure-resistant
    L: therefore looking at different studies in different countries may not tell us anything about attachment
  • imposed etic
    P: limitation - trying to pose a test designed for one culture to another
    E: in Britain and US, lack of affection on reunion may indicate an insecure attachment
    E: However in Germany, this would be seen as independence rather than insecurity
    L: therefore behaviours measured in strange situations do not have the same meaning in different cultures