Complete enumeration or count of population residing in a particular area, conducted by the National Statistics Office at desired intervals (usually 5 or 10 year intervals)
a given number usually expressed as k in the formula used to make a measure more understandable or meaningful
usually the estimated population as of july 1 of the year for which the rate is being computed and approximation of the actual population exposed to the risk of a particular event
mid-year population
a proportion expressed as units per 100 or a proportion multiplied by 100
a group of individuals sharing a common demographic experience and observed through time
the rate computed for a disaggregated population on the basis of selected characteristics using only the population exposed to the risk of the event in the denominator
specific rate
relates one number to another number into a single number
measure the likelihood of the occurrence of an event among population within a specific period
the rate computed for the entire population of a specified area regardless of exposure to the risk of the event using the entire population as the denominator
crude rate
the movement of an individual that involves crossing a territorial boundary for purposes of establishing residents can be internal or international, increases or decreases population
the capacity of a woman or a couple to produce children, measured in terms of the number of
the complete absence or cessation of life
how the population can be described by age sex education economic status and cultural
population composition
the pattern of settlement and dispersal of population within a country or subnational area
population distribution
the total number of population of a particular geographic or administrative area including all persons living in private households institutional quarters and land based ofws intending to return within a particular period
population size
information is based on the operations of particular agencies such as education data voters list health indicators ofw profiles
administrative records
the nso through the local civil registrars gathers information on vital events such as births deaths and marriages including dissolution of marriages
vital registration system
uses sample of the target population to produce estimates may be conducted for the national or subnational scale