Worm - a malicious program that transfersfromonecomputertoanotherbyanymeans.
trojan - disguisesas a usefulprogrambutoncedownloadedorinstalled, leavesyourPCunprotected and allow hackers to get your information.
spyware - runsinthebackgroundwithoutyourknowledge (thus called “spy”). It can monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging. The key logger software typically uses log file to store its recording.
phishing - an attempt to trickusersintogivingoutsensitivedata such as passwords, credit card numbers, etc.
Adware - a program designed to sendyouadvertisements, mostlyaspop-ups.
Ransomware - or ransom software is a type of malicious software fromcryptovirologythatthreatenstopublishthevictim'sdata or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.
Spam an unwantedemail mostly frombots or advertisers. It can be used to send malware.