
Cards (18)

  • Background
    mindfulness: involves thinking, sensation, info processed by brain
    -study what parts of brain involved in changes in attention/thinking association
    MRI used to measure small structural changes in concentration
    previous studies were cross-sectional (those who had meditated/had not)
    -caused by pre-existing differences between participants (misleading conclusion)
  • Aim
    identify changes in specific brain regions (roi) and whole brain by comparing grey matter concentrations before/after mindfulness course
  • Research Method
    Experiment with longitudinal design
    -pre/post tested and compared to control group

    MRI results compares w/ experimental MBSR group/control not experiencing mindfulness intervention
    -independent measures
  • Independent Variable
    exposure to 8-week mindfulness-based intervention, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
    -2.5hr session each week (8)
    -full day session at sixth week
  • Mindfulness Exercises
    intended to develop awareness of present moment experience and compass non-judgmental view
    -45 min rec guidance (how to engage everyday life/cope w stress) w/ instructions as 'daily hw'

    Body Scan: attention guided throughout whole body; perception as complete whole

    Mindful Yoga: gentle stretching, slow movements, breathing exercises, raise awareness mom to moment experience

    Sitting Meditation: focuses on sensations of breathing, progresses to sounds, thoughts, emotions (5 senses)
  • Dependent Variable
    change in grey matter concentration assessed using MRI scans (pre/post)
    -comp questionnaires to measure 5 mindfulness scales
  • Sample
    recruited from ppl already enrolled in MBSR courses at University of Mas
    -enrolled to help with stress reduction/referred by doctor
    -phys/psych healthy, age 25-55yrs
    -safe to have MRI scans: (no metals in bodies/not claustrophobic)
    -committed to attend sessions, completed hw exercises

    LIMITED experience meditation classes:
    -none in last 6 months
    -max 4 in last 5 years/10 in lifetime
  • Experimental Sample
    Initially 8 males 10 females (18), mean age 38yrs
    -fell to 16 after 2 males left after 1st MRI scan (discomfort)
    -13 Caucasian, I Asian, 1 African am, 1 multi-ethnic
  • Control Sample (wait-list)
    7 males 10 females (17), mean age 39 yrs
    -13 Caucasian, 2 Asian, 2 African American, 1 Hispanic
  • Procedure
    exp/control group completed Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), 39 items (7 items each, 5 subscales added) likert-type scale

    brain scans: exp 2 weeks before/after 8 week MBSR intervention (56) cg(66)

    data used: regions of interest (RoI) hippocampus, bilateral insulae analysis, whole brain analysis
    -reported time spent on hw total/on each 3
  • FFMQ
    observing: noticing internal/external stimuli, thoughts, feelings, sensations (sights, sounds, smells)
    describing: mentally labelling observations with words

    acting w awareness: being attentive to current surroundings rather than resp automatically/absentmindedly

    non-judging: (of inner exp) not evaluating sensations, cognitions, or emotions
    non-reactivity: (to inner exp) allowing thoughts and feelings to drift in and out
  • Results: Scores
    exp group: average 22.6hours mindfulness hw (27min per day)
    -none of 3 measures sig correlated
    useable FFMQ data obtained from 14 MBSR/control par
    -MBSR sig increased mindfulness scores 3 subscales (pre/post questionnaire)
    -greated than control on all 3
  • Results: Concentration
    Regions of Interest: left hippocampus
    -no difference at start of study w control group
    -changes in RoI detected MBSR group between pre/post test
    *didn't correlate w hw/changes in FFMQ
    Whole Brain Analysis:
    4 clusters of MBSR sig increased in grey matter concentration
    -posterior cingulate cortex
    -temporo-parietal junction
    -2 parts cerebellum (lateral/cerebellar)
    *no sig dec in grey matter conc MBSR, small in control
  • Conclusion: RoI
    structural changes in left hippocampus arise within 8week pd of MBSR
    -localized increases/dec in hippocampal volume demonstrated in response to mindfulness meditation
    -hippocampus role in learning/memory = MBSR par had learning experiences that changed the hippocampal grey matter
  • Conclusion: whole

    -increase in grey matter conc in left temporo-parietal junction (TJP), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and cerebellum caused structural changes in MBSR group
    TJP: self-referential processing
    -links to role of mindfulness training in learning to perceive body as 'complete whole'
    PCC: judge relevance of stimuli
    -links to noticing internal/external stimuli being + being attentive to mom-mom experience
    Cerebellum: regulating emotions/cog for healthy psych functioning
    -TJP/PCC contribute to considering alternating perspectives
  • Strengths
    longitudinal study: lengthy intervention + cross sec
    -no participant variables confunding/altering results
    -allowed time for experiences of intervention to affect brain plasticity in measurable way
    -control group allowed comparisons to ensure changes not attributable to passage of time
    MRI scanner measure DV quantitative data
    -statistical analysis pre/post test levels grey matter vol
    -par cannot alter grey matter vol in response to demand characteristics increasing validity
  • Weaknesses
    scanner not ecologically valid
    -noisy, confining, features potentially emotional
    gives objective data
    -unknowing about localization of specific behaviors when inferring
    absence of correlations between grey matter/ amount of hw comp or changes in FFMQ scores
    -suggest number minutes spend on mindfulness practice not direct cause of brain changes
  • Ethics
    MRI scanner present risk physical (metal implants) and psychologic (claustrophobia) harm
    -all participants reported experiences stressed (doctor/self-referred)
    had to wait 8 weeks