
Cards (25)

  • Dignity
    The ability to control and define one's life and the freedom to live a life of one's choosing
  • Anthropocentrism
    The belief that humans are the central and most significant species on the planet, and that human activity is the primary cause of changes in the environment
  • Greatest Happiness Principle
    The principle which states that a person's actions are considered moral or desirable when they produce the greatest happiness for other people
  • Environmental Ethics
    Responsibility and philosophical view that advocated human action with regard to environmental issues
  • Aristotle proposed a system for classification of plants and animals
  • Free Will
    The capacity to choose from alternative courses of action or decision
  • Moral Responsibility
    An effective guide for the proper exercise of human freedom
  • General Will
    The concept which holds that the government is the best judge of what is beneficial for society, and is thus empowered to act on people's behalf
  • Liberalism
    A perspective that upholds the preservation of individual rights and stresses the role of the government in protecting these civil liberties
  • Social Role
    Expected roles and behaviors from individuals in society
  • Determinism
    A philosophical view that believes that every event in the world is brought about by underlying causes or factors
  • Socialization
    The process where an individual learns the behaviors, attitudes, and values prevalent in his own society
  • Legal Rights
    Rights that are based on society's customs and laws and are enacted by legislation and enforced by a government
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau: 'Advocate of "General Will". For him, the general will comes from the sovereign citizens and they entrust their will to the government'
  • Others
    Objects or individuals outside of personal experience
  • Social Contract
    An agreement where individuals sacrifice some of their wants and submit to a higher authority
  • Self
    The awareness of one's individuality
  • Dialogue
    A genuine relationship established among individuals
  • Alienation
    The phenomenon where an individual ceases to view the other as a distinct and authentic person and considers him or her as a mere object
  • Ethics of Care
    A perspective that emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and interactions
  • Industrial Society
    Centered on mechanized production and the exchange of goods and services
  • Intersubjectivity
    The shared awareness and understanding among persons
  • Empathy
    The awareness that the other is a person with thoughts and feelings
  • Modern Society
    Technologically advanced society characterized by industry, mass production and advanced communication and transportation
  • Happiness
    Having a satisfying life that goes well for the person living it, or a state of mind that maintains a positive outlook on life