history empire

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  • what were the conditions in early 1900s
    overcrowded slums, rising population, lots of disease
  • why where conditions awful in early 1900s
    governments laissez faire attitude
  • dates of Charles booth research and where

    1886 - 1903 in London
  • dates of seebohm rowntree research and where

    1899-1901 in york
  • what did seebohm rowntree discover

    poverty line <21 shillings per week
  • what did rowntree and booth discover in London and York
    30% in poverty in London and York
  • what did booth and rowntree conclude were the causes of poverty
    age, illness, unemployment
  • what did booth and rowntree change as a result of their research
    public opinion on poverty. people used to think it was idleness that caused poverty, but actually it was circumstances. poor not to blame but liberal gov introduced social reforms
  • educational reforms - education act

    1902, aimed to make Education more uniform across the country
  • what did the education act 1902 consist of
    - school boards replaced by LEA (local education authorities) run by local councils
    - ensured teachers were qualified and paid
    - church schools now received funding
  • what eduction act was in 1906
    free school meals, one full meal for poorer children but patchy
  • education act in 1907
    free school medical inspection - only inspection but no free treatment until 1912 and even then sometimes not by many local authorities
  • education act in 1908
    children's charter - cannot sell alcohol or tobacco to children, children prisons set up and death penalty abolished for children
  • what was the old age pension act in 1908
    pensions for people over 70yrs with an income higher than £31 a year. non contributory
  • what was the problem with the old age pension act 1908
    life expectancy so low that many never got it
  • national insurance act 1911 type of contribution

  • national insurance act 1911 part one (health act)

    sick pay up to 26 weeks, 15 million covered by 1913, free medical treatment for those insured
  • national insurance act 1911 part two (unemployment act)

    unemployment pay for up to 15 weeks, 2.3 million covered by 1913
  • what did contribution to national insurance act 1911 mean
    workers take home pay fell, millions not covered if not at work for 26wks. after 15wks unemployment poor law used (sent to work houses)
  • why did trade union numbers increase and what did this mean
    growing because of lack of care for poor, small wage, bad living conditions
    threat of strikes scared employers (lose money0 and gov (public would not like disruption)
  • 2 trade unions
    Bryant and may match girls 1888
    dockers strike 1889
  • why were match stick girls in Bryant and may factory striking
    bad wages, around dangerous chemicals, bad conditions
  • why did the dockers strike happen in 1889
    100,000 dock workers wanted better pay
  • what happened to the two trade unions
    - bryant and may changed phosphorous used
    higher wages for both
  • why did the liberals win a landslide majority 1906

    were influenced by booth and rowntree reports and public wanted social reforms introduced to tackle poverty and improve national efficiency
  • explain 1909 budget
    Lloyd George (chancellor of exchequer) introduced the 'peoples budget' providing money for social reforms and dreadnoughts by increasing tax on rich by 3%.
  • whats a dreadnoughts
    large battleshipsthat gov wanted to use in case of war against Germany
  • why did the constitutional crisis happen
    rich conservatives opposed budget as it directly affected them, and they were the majority so they kept blocking money bills. big liberal majority in House of Commons passed it, house of lords rejected it
  • why did the liberals call a general election in 1910
    to ask for publics support of the budget, liberals won
  • what did liberal prime minister Herbert Asquith ask king Edward for
    hundred of liberal peers. king Edward agreed if liberals won another election
  • why did lords eventually accept the money bill
    in April 1910 when faced with the election the liberals may win
  • what were the conditions Henry the fifth gave liberals for the parliament act to pass

    if they won another election
  • what did king Henry v do when he came to throne
    improve relations with gov and House of Lords
  • how did the liberals try weaken the house of lords
    parliament bill which they proposed to king Henry v
  • the liberals won, the parliament bill was installed what was it.
    - any money bill would become law in 1 month after being sent to lords
    - other bills could only be delayed a max 2 years - lords could no longer veto bills
    - lenght of parliament 5 years instead of 7
  • what did the parliament act change to avoid being swamped with liberal peers
    changed relqrtionsip between house of commons and lords
  • what were the conditions like in the early 1900s
    slum like, overcrowded, rising populations, poverty, lots of disease
  • why were the conditions so bad early 1900s
    gov had laissez faire attitude
  • reports of booth and rowntree, where and when
    Charles booth - London 1886-1903
    Seebohm rowntree - york 1899-1901
  • what did rowntree invent
    poverty line (under 21 shillings/wk)