Downstream processing is the separation of product from other culture medium components (purification)
Downstream processing is sometimes very time-consuming and costly
Purification is necessary because other medium components may interfere with protein function or cause adverse reaction if protein is introduced into a human
Protein Purification
High-resolution chromatographic purification is usually undertaken
A combination of 2-4 different chromatographic techniques is used in a typical downstream processing procedure
Affinity chromatography is used wherever possible due to its high biospecificity which results in a very high degree of purification
High resolution chromatography normally yields a protein that is 98-99% pure
Downstream Processing
Normally carried out under clean room conditions
The final steps (e.g. sterile filtration and aseptic filling into final product containers) are carried out under Grade A laminar flow conditions
Considerations when selecting a purification strategy
Keep the purification simple, so it can be easily reproduced – the less steps the better
Keep it cheap
Adopt a step approach and optimise each step along the way
Speed is important so avoid slow techniques and delays
Use reliable and proven techniques and equipment
Objectives when selecting a purification strategy
High yield
High purity
High product stability
Scale of operation
Economical use of reagents/equipment
Stands in the critical junction of Fermentation and further Downstream processing
One of the most critical steps in biopharmaceutical production
Primary objective is separation of very low concentration of product from high percentage of contaminants
Directly affects product yield, consistency and reproducibility
Common technologies of post fermentation clarification
Tangential flow filtration
Depth filtration
Surface filtration
Initial Product Recovery
Select extraction procedure according to source and location of protein
Use gentle procedures to minimise acidification and release of proteolytic enzymes
Work quickly at sub-ambient temperatures
Use buffer to maintain pH, ionic strength
Harvesting of Cells
Harvesting steps should be performed in equipment and areas designed to minimize the risk of contamination
Harvest and purification procedures that remove or inactivate the producing organism, cellular debris and media components (while minimizing degradation, contamination, and loss of quality) should be adequate to ensure that the intermediate or product is recovered with consistent quality
Intracellular Protein Recovery
If the target protein is intracellular, then it needs to be released from the cell
An extraction medium must be selected in which the target protein is stable
There are many methods available for cell disruption, the choice will be dependent on the nature of the cellular material and should always be as gentle as possible
Disruption Methods
Bead milling
Cell lysis with proteolytic enzymes
Direct Flow Filtration (DFF)
Also known as "dead-end" or 'normal flow' filtration, applies the feed stream perpendicular to the membrane face and attempts to pass 100% of the fluid through the membrane
Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF)
Also known as crossflow filtration, where the feed stream passes parallel to the membrane face as one portion passes through the membrane (permeate) while the remainder (retentate) is recirculated back to the feed reservoir
Depth Filtration
A type of normal flow filtration
Porous medium capable of retaining particles, colloids throughout its width rather than just on the surface
The major advantages are: single use (reduction of process validation requirements), effective removal of contaminants, cost effectiveness (no CIP and SIP), scalable
Depth Filtration Mechanisms
Mechanical sieving
Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) Theory
The flow of sample solution across the membrane surface sweeps away aggregating molecules that form a membrane-clogging gel (gel polarization), allowing molecules smaller than the membrane pores to move toward and through the membrane
TFF can be faster and more efficient than DFF for size separation
TFF Validation
Verification that the molecular weight cut-off for ultrafiltration membranes is appropriate for the intended use
Verification that the pore rating for microfiltration membranes is appropriate for the intended use
Verification that the membrane used meets the specifications for the process step
Verification of critical process parameters such as filtrate and retentate pressures, fluxes, and temperatures
TFF Validation for Protein Concentration or Buffer Exchange
The primary process parameters to measure include the operating ranges of pressure, flow, and temperature
For diafiltration, the removal of low molecular weight contaminants should also be monitored
The operating ranges under which the product does not undergo adverse changes, such as aggregation, denaturation, or loss of activity, should be defined
It may also be useful to investigate the effect of changes in flux on product recovery and activity
TFF Validation for Cell Debris Removal / Clarification
If the TFF operation is only a clarification step, process qualification should address issues of permeate clarity, product quality, and yield
If the TFF process is actually a purification step, validation must also establish that the degree of purification is acceptable and consistent
The process should be tested at the extremes of the manufacturing operating ranges for tangential flow rates, pressures, and flux to verify that fouling is not occurring and does not adversely affect product quality
For the removal of specific contaminants, clearance studies should be conducted
Validation of Filters
Filter compatibility is tested with process conditions to avoid nonspecific binding of product to the filter or addition of extractables to the process stream
Extractables & leachables are defined and limits established based on the final product safety studies
Special considerations apply for sterilising filters and those that are designed for virus removal
Typically involves several chromatography and tangential flow filtration (TFF) steps
Chromatography steps provide product purification while the TFF steps are used for removing or concentrating macromolecules
Several chromatography steps are required to achieve the level of purity required for a protein to be used as a therapeutic agent
Downstream Process Validation
Involves performance qualifications (PQ) that require rigorous testing to demonstrate the effectiveness and repeatability of the process
The goal of PQ is to establish confidence in the performance of purification unit operations under normal as well as 'worst-case' conditions at the extreme of normal operating conditions
Evaluated through laboratory-scale studies and testing of in-process pools from conformance lots
Impurity clearance
Removal of impurities that have the potential to adversely affect product safety or intended biological activity to sufficiently low levels should be consistently demonstrated
Initial scientific assessment
Conducted to identify and select those impurities requiring study