Mystere d'Adam is a play in which the story revolves around Adam and Eve and ends with the devil capturing and bringing them to hell.
Satyr play contains comic elements to lighten the overall mood or a serious play with a happy ending.
The Triumvir Pompey is the first permanent theaters in Rome, whose structure was somewhat like the Theatron of Athens.
The author of the Spanish Tragedy is Thomas Kyd.
Tragedy is a type of play that deals with unhappy ending.
Pierre Cornielle is known as the "Father of French Tragedy".
RA 1843 is the Regulation Act that banned drinking in legitimate theaters.
An opera entitled "Carmen" tells the story of the downfall of Don Jose.
Commedia dell'arte is a humorous theatrical presentation performed by professional players who traveled in troupe.
Baroque period/era is marked using technology in current broadways or commercial plays.
William Shakespeare was referred to as England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".
A character in the story, "Notre Dame de Paris", who was described physically as deformed hunchback bellringer and a has a good heart that helped Esmeralda, his name was Quasimodo.
Victor Marie Hugo is considered one of the greatest and best-known French writers during the Romantic Period.
Ballet is a formalized form of dance that originated from the Italian Renaissance courts.