
Cards (5)

  • The son of Tarquinius Priscus, Lucius Tarquinius, hated the idea that his brother was on the throne
  • Servius' Daughter, Tullia, was originally married to Arrus. She became tired of his lack of ambition so she plotted with Lucius to kill her husbands and her sister so the two of them could get married instead.
  • Tarqunius soon began encouraging senators to support him and offering younger men money.
  • When he had enough support form the senators he forced his way into the Senate house with an armed guard and took a seat on the king's chair. He then made a speech saying he should take the throne. When Servius heard what his brother was doing he rushed to interrupt him.
  • When Servius got there Tarquinius throw him out (he was an old man). While he was making his way home he was caught and killed by Tarquinius' supporters, thought to be at Tullia's suggestion. Or Tullia had the driver of her carriage drive over her fathers body