Following the belief of the Christian Fundamentalists association.
Religious fundamentalists
They were protestants who believed everything in the bible must be taken seriously and not questioned.
Attend church frequently
Disliked the teaching of the theory of evolution
The Bible Belt
A part of America where strict Christians lived
They didn't accept the theoryofevolution but believed the theory of creation.
Disliked provocative clothing and dancing and gambling.
Seen as keen supporters of Prohibition and the KKK
The Monkey trial
A new law passed in 6 states prohibiting the teaching of Darwins theory.
However, a biology teacher John Scopes ignored the law and taught the theory to his students.
Resulted in him going to court.
Monkey Trial results
Scopes was found guilty and charged $100
1929 - fixed laws were passed in six states banning the teaching of Darwins theory.
'Jim Crow laws'
Black and white people were separated in schools, bars and public places.
Black people found it difficult to get fair treatment and were intimidated.
Northern States
Treatment was often less aggressive and violent than southern.
Black Americans were employed in low paid jobs.
Lived in poorer areas n comparison to white people.
NO segregation
Great Migration
Migration from the south to the north as Northern states seemed as a better opportunity in comparison to the strict enforcements in the Southern States.
Southern States
Segregation was enforced
Southern states
Segregation was enforced
Most black people lived in chronic poverty
The Ku Klux Klan
Aimed terrorise black people recently freed from slavery.
White supremacists
KKK Actions
Dressed in white robes
Beat up and mutilated black people
Carried out lynchings
KKK Support
BY 1920, 100000 members
1925, Gained 5million members
The growth of the klan rose due to industrialisation
The birth of Nation
The film attracted large audiences and aimed to reinforce the idea of white supremacy.
250,000 members
Aim of the UNIA
Believed black people should not partake in white society
Encouraged black people to set up their own businesses and to go back to Africa and establish a government.
1925, Garvey was put in prison for misleading people.
William Du Bois
1919, 90000 Members
Aim of the NAACP
Give everyone equal opportunities
Wanted to fight segregation by using petitions and campaigns against lynchings.
Failed to banned lynchings but there was a great reduction in lynchings.