The idea that two halves of the brain are functionally different and that each hemisphere has functional specialisation (left is dominant for language and the right excels at visual motor tasks)
What is the method that Sperry and Gazzaniga (1967) used?
- an image/ word is projected to the patients left visual field or the right visual field
- when information is presented to one hemisphere in a split brain patient, the information is not transferred to the other hemisphere since the corpus callosum is cut
An object was placed in the patients left or right hand and they had to either describe what they felt or select a similar object from a series of alternate objects
Tactile test: what happened when the object was placed in the right hand?
The patient could describe verbally what they felt
or they could identify the test object presented in the right hand (left hemisphere) by selecting a similar appropriate object from a series of alternate objects
Tactile test: what happened when the object was placed in the left hand?
The patient could not describe what they felt and could only make wild guesses
However, the left hand could identify a test object presented in the left hand (right hemisphere) by selecting a similar appropriate object from a series of alternate objects
Drawing task: what happened when a picture was presented to the right visual field
While the right hand would attempt to draw a picture, the picture was never as clear as the left hand which demonstrated the superiority of the right hemisphere for visual motor tasks
Drawing task: what happened when a picture was presented to the left visual field?
The left hand (controlled by the right hemisphere) would consistently draw clearer and better pictures than the right hand (even though all the participants were right handed)
This demonstrates the superiority of the right hemisphere when it comes to visual motor tasks
P - one of the main advantages of brain lateralisation is that it increases neural processing capacity (the ability to multitask)
E - rogers et all (2004) found that in a domestic chicken brain lateralisation is associated with an enhanced ability to perform two tasks simultaneously (finding food and being vigilant for predators)
E - using only one hemisphere to engage in a task leaves the other hemisphere free to engage in other functions
L - this matters because it provides evidence for the advantages of brain lateralisation and demonstrates how it can enhance brain efficiency in cognitive tasks
P - a limitation of the research into lateralisation is that some is flawed because the split brain procedure is rarely carried out now meaning patients are difficult to come by
E - Sperry and Gazzaniga's research only included 11 patients all of which had varying degrees of epilepsy
E - such studies often include very few participants
D - consequently, some psychologists have argued that Sperry's research is really a collection of case studies that take an idiographic approach. Although an idiographic approach provides rich and interesting information in relation to individual cases, we are unable to create general laws as found in nomothetic research
L - this matters because any conclusions drawn are representative only of those individuals who had a cofounding physical disorder that made the procedure necessary. This is problematic as such results cannot be generalised to the wider population
Split brain research/ lateralisation evaluation - language in the right hemisphere
P - it could be argued that language may not be restricted to the left hemisphere
E - Turk et al (2002) discovered a patient (J.W) that suffered damage to the left hemisphere but developed the capacity to speak in the right hemisphere
E - eventually leading to the ability to speak about the information presented to either side of the brain
L - this matters because it suggests that perhaps lateralisation is not fixed and that the brain can adapt following damage to certain areas