Globally, an estimated 5% of adults suffer from depression.
vMore women are affected by depression than men.
There is effective treatment for mild, moderate and severe depression.
A potentially life-threatening mood disorder
A state of low mood & aversion to activity by someone who experiences feelings of sadness, helplessness & hopelessness
More common in people who live in difficult social and economic circumstances.
More than 700 000 people die due to suicide every year. SUICIDE is the fourth leading cause of death in 15–29-year-olds.
Barriers to effective care include a lack of investment in mental health care, lack of trained health-care providers and social stigma associated with mental disorders.
Predominantly sad facial expression with absence or diminished range of affective response
Solitary play or work, tendency to be alone, lack of interest in play with friends
Withdrawal from previously enjoyed activities and relationships
Lowered grades in school; lack of interest doing homework or achieving in school, refuses to wake up for school
Diminished motor activity; tiredness·Tearfulness or crying
Inability to concentrate
Dependent and clinging or aggressive and disruptive
Internal States
•Utterance or statements reflecting lowered self-esteem, sense of hopelessness, or guilt
•Suicidal ideations
•Loss of energy, Fatigue
•Nonspecific complaints of not feeling well
•Change in appetite resulting in weight loss or gain
•Alterations in sleeping pattern, sleeplessness, or hypersomnia
School-based programs to enhance a pattern of positive coping in children and adolescents