
Cards (7)

  • What is Cognitive development ?
    Development of thinking, problem-solving, and memory processes.
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 0-12 month baby?
    • able to focus on objects
    • becoming aware of physical sensations
    • interest in environment
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 1-2 year old?
    • Understanding and responding to simple instructions
    • remember past events
    • identify familiar parts of a story
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 2-3 year old?
    • Categories objects
    • name familiar object in books
    • sort blocks smaller to largest
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 3-5 year old?
    • Organize by size, shape and time
    • understand the concept of past and present
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 7-11 year old?
    • Able to read and write
    • play games with rules
    • can tell the time
  • What is the typical cognitive development for a 11-16 years?
    • can predict and speculate
    • play games with strategy
    • can draw conclusions