A rocky body which orbits a star, but is too small to be classified as a planet, or orbits a planet and is too small to be classified as a moon. Unlikely to be spherical in shape.
A system consisting of a central star and all objects which are gravitationally bound to it, including planets (and their moons), asteroids and comets.
Distances in space are huge. Even a trip to Mars would require at least 3 months just to travel there, that doesn't include the return trip or any time spent on the planet!
There is no friction in space (and so an object in motion will stay in motion). Additionally, all objects in space will be moving relative to one another, therefore any delicate manoeuvres, such as docking with the ISS must be done extremely carefully, with thrusters required to stop as well as start motion in a straight line or even to cause rotation.
Energy supplies are limited in space, so spacecraft and satellites must be self-sufficient, ensuring that life support systems remain in constant operation