
Cards (23)

  • Sigmund Freud
    Considered father of modern psychology, major inventor of psychoanalysis
  • Sigmund Freud was born in 1856
  • Sigmund Freud attended Leopoldstadt and Vienna
  • Sigmund Freud established his first medical practice focusing on brain and neurological problems
  • Freud's "talking cure"

    Encouraged patients to tap into the unconscious mind and release suppressed energy and emotions, which he called psychosomatic
  • Psychoanalysis
    A formal method of therapy that involves discussing experiences, early childhood, and dreams, based on the belief that everyone has unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories
  • Research has shown that the self-examination involved in the psychoanalytic process can lead to long term emotional growth
  • Id
    The first of the key elements of personality to emerge, contains all of the unconscious, basic and primal urges
  • Ego
    Part of the personality that must deal with the demands of reality, helps control the urges of the id, makes us behave in ways that are both realistic and acceptable, helps strike a balance between our basic urges, ideals, and reality
  • Superego
    Contains our ideals and values, values and beliefs that our parents and society instill in us are the guiding forces of the superego, strives to make us behave according to morals
  • Conscious Mind
    Contains all of the thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment, aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally, includes our memory
  • Preconscious Mind
    Consist of anything that could potentially be brought into the conscious mind
  • Unconscious Mind
    A reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness, contains contents that are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict
  • Defense Mechanisms
    Unconscious protective behaviors that aim to reduce anxiety, operate in various ways that distort reality, we all use them
  • Oral Stage

    Birth to 1 year, pleasure is focused on the mouth, eating and the pleasure derived from sucking
  • Anal Stage
    1 to 3 years, children experience pleasure in their bowel and bladder movements, the conflict in this stage is over toilet training
  • Phallic Stage

    3 to 6 years, children become aware of their bodies and recognize the differences between boys and girls, erogenous zone in this stage is the genitals, conflict arises when the child feels a desire for the parent of another sex, and jealousy and hatred toward the same-sex parent
  • Latency Stage

    6 years to puberty, not considered a stage, because sexual feelings are dormant, children focus on other pursuits, such as school, friendships, hobbies, and sports
  • Genital Stage

    From puberty onwards, there is a sexual reawakening as the incestuous urges resurface, person redirects these urges to other, more socially acceptable partners, have mature sexual interests
  • Strengths of Freud's Psychoanalysis
    • It clearly explains the process of solving conflicts that arise from childhood
    • Allows the group to participate in the therapy as childhood friends of the patients
    • Psychoanalysis opened up a new view on mental illness, particularly that talking through problems with a psychoanalytic professional could help alleviate a person's psychological distress
  • Weaknesses of Freud's Psychoanalysis
    • Blames the mother for most of the complications that occur in patients
    • Very expensive for people with low incomes
    • Does not provide a long term solution to the problems clients face
  • The case of Bertha Pappenheim (Anna O.) is considered the beginning of psychoanalysis
  • Josef Bruer found that Anna O's symptoms seemed lessened when she was encouraged to talk freely about her experiences and feelings