Learning Theory

Cards (15)

  • Who established Learning Theory?
    Dollard and Miller
  • What did they refer it as?
    'Cupboard Love' -> importance of Caregiver being the provider of food - infants learning to love whoever feeds them
  • What are the 2 Conditionings?
    • Classical and Operant
  • What is Classical Conditioning?
    -> Learning through association of 2 stimuli
  • Explain Classical Conditioning?
    1. Food = UCS
    2. Being fed gives Pleasure = UCR
    3. Caregiver = NS
    4. Caregiver + Food = Pleasure
    5. Overtime infant associates CG and food - CG = CS
    6. After conditioning, when infant sees caregiver they associate them with food and emit a response - pleasure = CR
  • Using key words, explain CC
    UCS -> UCR
    NS -> no response
    UCS + NS -> UCR
    NS becomes CS
    UCR becomes CR
    CS -> CR
  • What is Operant Conditioning?
    Learning through repeated behaviour consequences
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    -> when a behaviour is repeated when there's a rewarding outcome
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    -> when behaviour is repeated to avoid an unrewarding outcome
  • Explain Operant Conditioning
    -> explains why infants cry
    -> crying = a response from CG -> feeding
    >> if corrected response given - crying is reinforced
    -> crying directed to comfort - CG 'social suppressor' behaviour
  • Why is reinforcement a good thing?
    -> strengthens an attachment as reinforcement is a 2 way process
  • Explain the concept of drive reduction
    -> Hunger = primary drive - innate/biological motivation
    >> we're motivated to eat - reduce hunger
  • What did SEARS et al suggests with the drive reduction?

    -> CG provide food, hunger becomes generalised to them
    -> A. is then a secondary drive by association between CG and satisfaction of primary drive
  • LIMITATION - counter evidence - animal studies
    -> Animal studies show that animals don't necessarily attach to those who feed them
    -> Lorenz goose - imprinted before being fed - A. maintained regardless who fed them
    -> Harlow Monkeys - chose soft surrogate over wired who dispensed milk
    • Doesn't develop because of feeding
  • STRENGTH - importance of conditioning
    -> while food doesn't play a central role - conditioning may have a part to play
    >> baby associate warm & comfort with a particular adult
    > could influence their choice of main attachment figure
    • Learning theory still useful in understanding development of attachment