Refers to the socially constructed notion of and relationships between men and women
Is a social classification based on one's identity, presentation of self, behavior, and interaction with others
Involves social norms, attitudes, and activities that society deem more appropriate for one's sexuality over another which is also believed to be determined by what an individual feels, perceived of oneself, and does
Transpeople - Refers to when a person identifies with the opposite gender – those who identify themselves opposite to their sex-assigned at birth and eventually to their gender
Transexual - It is identified as the opposite gender to their biological sex. Physicaltransformation, e.g. genital reassignment surgery or hormonal replacement therapy, may be undertaken to change sex
Transgender - It is most often used to describe non-traditionalgender behaviors or identities
Intersex - Refers to a range of conditions where a person's sex is notstrictly male or female
Is an external manifestation of person's genderidentity, expressed through one's name, pronouns, clothing, voice, and body characteristics; How an individual expresses herself/himself
Gender stereotypes have traditionalcomponents, or beliefs about how males and females typically act, as well as descriptive components, or beliefs about how males and females should act
These stereotypes often involve characteristics that are undesirable in either sex, but are permitted in one sex, while being prescribed for the other
Is a generalizedview or preconception about attributes or characteristics, or the roles that are ought to be possessed by, or performed by women and men (UNCHR, 1978)
Acknowledges that men and women are notequal and that gender affects an individuals lived experience
Is a social process by which people are treated differently and disadvantageously, under similar circumstances, on the basis of gender (OxfordDictionary, 2007)
Is achieved when women and men enjoy the samerights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision making, and when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured