Involves using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create and style the visual elements of a website, as well as to add interactive features and functionality
Front-end developers must also be familiar with web standards and best practices, as well as web accessibility and usability guidelines
Front-end developers need to have an eye for design and a keen sense of user experience, as their work directly impacts how users interact with a website or web application
Front-end development plays a critical role in the success of a website or web application, as it determines the overall look, feel, and functionality of the user-facing parts of the site
Describes a characteristic of a web page, such as the character encoding
Character encoding is the internal representation of letters, numbers, and symbols in a file such as a web page or other file that is stored on a computer and may be transmitted over the Internet
It is common practice to use a character-encoding set that is widely supported, such as utf-8
The meta tag uses the charset attribute to indicate the character encoding
Begin with the <dl> tag and end with the </dl> tag. Each term or name in the list begins with the <dt> tag and ends with the </dt> tag. Each description begins with the <dd> tag and ends with the </dd> tag.