Social Class

Cards (4)

  • Nairn notes
    contemporary media coverage of the monarchy has focused positively on every trivial detail of their lives, turning royal family into and ongoing soap opera.
    mass media rep of monarchy are also aimed at reinforcing a sense of national identity, and portray them as ultimate symbol of nation.
  • Middle class representation
    over represented on TV dramas and comedies
    British newspaper market aimed specifically at middle class and their consumption, tastes and interests e.g. Daily mail
    assumed readership feel threatened by alien influences such as Euro, asylum seekers and terrorism
    Daily mail often initiate moral panics on issues such as peadohilia and asylum seekers
  • Newman
    argues when news organisations focus on working class it is generally to label them as a problem
    for example: welfare cheats, drug addictions or criminals
    working class groups (mods, skinheads) = often subjects of moral panics
  • Newman view on reporting issues
    issues such as poverty, unemployment or single-parent families often suggest personal inadequacy is the main cause of these social problems rather that government polices or poor business practices