Geo crash course

Cards (140)

  • hi guys good afternoon in some places and good morning in others I hope we're all doing well and I hope we're not nervous about the exams I hope we are ready to get some information
  • it is uh it's not one of our regular pass paper marathons that we would do it is more of a small crash course or trying to go through natural systems I'm not sure we will make it through all of it but we will cover as much as we can based on the votes on Instagram most persons wanted to do physical geography first so we will look at that
  • I wanted to show you what the syllabus looks like if you have already seen the syllabus just let me know for the ones who have not seen the syllabus let me know as well
  • we'll just look at the syllabus to see exactly how it works and how you can use it to your advantage
  • Destiny does not have the syllabus but you can get a chance to look at it now
  • on your screen you would have natural systems that is basically or physical geography that section is physical geography you have general objectives then you would have these specific objectives what you need to be paying attention to is your specific objectives these basically tell you everything that sex is asking you to cover on your exam for your exam within those two years
  • Specific objectives

    Actual questions that you can answer on your own to prepare for the exam
  • if you are able to stay at home and answer all of these questions by yourself that means you're good for the exam and you don't need to worry about anything at all
  • Things students should be able to do
    • Describe
    • Explain
    • Define
  • these are some of the same questions that you would see for your exam
  • the section that is called content no it gives you a deeper explanation of what CXC wants you to know
  • it is hard for you to just get a topic and know what on the topic you are required to know so this is the content section for the physical part of geography
  • Things the syllabus wants you to know about the internal structure of the earth
    • Continental and oceanic plates
    • Crust
    • Mantle
    • Core
  • Things the syllabus wants you to know about plate tectonics
    • Theory of plate tectonics
    • Global distribution of plates
    • Movement of plates
    • Types of plate boundaries
  • Things the syllabus wants you to know about the occurrence and distribution of geological features
    • Earthquakes
    • Island arcs
    • Volcanoes
    • Fold mountains
    • Major faults
    • Ocean trenches
  • Intrusive volcanic features
    • Sills
    • Dikes
    • Plugs
    • Batholiths
  • Extrusive volcanic features
    • Caldera
    • Shield volcano
    • Composite volcano
    • Lava plateau
  • the syllabus does not specifically ask you to know about laccoliths
  • Intrusive
    Formed inside the Earth's surface where magma has cooled and hardened
  • Extrusive
    Formed outside the Earth's surface where lava has cooled and hardened
  • the difference between sills and dikes is that sills move along the bedding plane while dikes cut across the bedding plane
  • bafflites are large intrusive features formed by the cooling of a giant magma reservoir
  • calderas form when explosive volcanic eruptions occur, often with acidic lava
  • Sill
    Moves along the bedding plane, facilitates going in the same direction as the bedding plane
  • Dyke
    Cuts across the bedding plane, moves from one bedding plane to the next
  • Sill
    Like a line of latitude
  • Dyke
    Like an angle, probably 45 degrees, vertical
  • Batholith
    • Large, much larger than other intrusive features, cooling of a giant magma reservoir
  • Caldera
    Happens when a volcano with acidic lava has an explosive eruption that blows off the top, leaving a large crater
  • Caldera
    • Lava can still come to the surface inside the crater, may have smaller volcanic cones forming, can fill with water to form a crater lake
  • Shield volcano
    Made of basic lava, gently sloping sides, very broad base
  • Composite cone
    Made of alternating layers of lava and ash, more rugged appearance than shield volcano
  • Intrusive volcanic features are when magma cools and solidifies within the Earth's crust, not reaching the surface
  • Extrusive volcanic features are when magma escapes and cools on the Earth's surface as lava
  • Acidic lava

    Viscous, thick, sticky, rich in silica, explosive and violent, solidifies quickly
  • Basic/basaltic lava

    Non-viscous, runny, low in silica, less violent, flows long distances before solidifying
  • Composite cones have alternating layers of ash and lava
  • Shield volcanoes have gentle, sloping sides and a wide, broad base
  • Calderas form when the top of a volcano is blown off in an explosive eruption, leaving a large crater
  • Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling and hardening of magma