Cards (4)

  • TCDD can also be analysed using 13C n.m.r. 4 (d) (i) Give the formula of the compound used as the standard when recording a 13C spectrum
    Si(CH3)4 TMS
  • The 1 H n.m.r. spectrum was recorded using a solution of atenolol in CDCl3
    Suggest why CDCl3 and not CHCl3 was used as the solvent.

    Solvent must be proton-free OR CHCl3 has protons or has H or gives a peak
  • Suggest why CDCl3 is a more effective solvent than CCl4 for polar molecules such as atenolol.
    CDCl3 is polar OR CCl4 is non-polar
  • Give two other reasons why TMS is used as a standard in recording n.m.r. spectra
    Single/one (intense) peak/signal
    Low bp OR volatile