Research Methods

    Cards (100)

    • Experimental method
      Involves the manipulation of the IV to measure the effect on the DV. May be lab, field, natural or quasi
    • Aim
      General statement of what the researcher intends to investigate
    • Hypothesis
      A clear statement that states the relationship between the variables
    • Directional hypothesis (one-tailed)
      States the direction of the difference or relationship
    • Non-directional hypothesis (two-tailed)

      Does not state the direction of the difference or relationship
    • Variable
      Anything that can change with an investigation
    • Independent variable (IV)

      An aspect of an investigation that is manipulated by the researcher so the effect on the DV can be measured
    • Dependent variable (DV)

      The variable that is measured by the researcher
    • Operationalisation
      Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured
    • Extraneous variable
      Any variable that may affect the DV
    • Confounding variable
      A variable that varies systematically with the IV
    • Demand characteristics
      Any cue from the researcher that may be interpreted by the participants as revealing the purpose of the investigation
    • Investigator effects
      Any effect of the investigator's behaviour on the research outcome
    • Randomisation
      The use of chance methods to control for effects of bias (when designing materials and designing the order of experimental conditions)
    • Standardisation
      Using the same formalised procedures and instructions for all participants
    • Experimental design

      The ways in which participants can be organised into experimental coniditons
    • Independent groups
      Participants are allocated to different groups
    • Repeated measures

      All participants take part in all conditions
    • Matched pairs
      Participants are matched on a variable and one goes into condition A and the other condition B
    • Random allocation
      People are chosen randomly e.g. names from a hat
    • Counterbalancing
      Half take part in A then B, the other half take part in B then A
    • Laboratory experiment

      Takes place in a controlled environment where the researcher manipulates the IV to measure the effect on the DV
    • Field experiment
      Takes place in a natural setting where the researcher manipulates the IV to measure the effect on the DV
    • Natural experiment
      The IV is naturally occurring and the researcher decides the DV
    • Quasi experiment
      The IV has not been determined by anyone e.g. gender, age
    • Population
      A group of people who are the focus of the researcher's interest
    • Sample
      A group of people who are drawn from the target population
    • Random sampling
      All members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected
    • Systematic sampling

      Every nth member of the target population is selected
    • Stratified sampling
      Composition of the sample reflects the proportions of people in certain strata within the target population
    • Opportunity sampling

      Researchers select whoever is willing and available
    • Volunteer sampling
      Involves participants selecting themselves to be part of the sample
    • Generalisation
      The extent to which findings can be applied to the rest of the population
    • Ethical issues
      Conflict between the rights of participants in research studies and the goals of the research to produce valid data
    • BPS code of ethics
      A legal document that instructs psychologists about what behaviour is and isn't acceptable
    • Informed consent
      Participants should know what they're getting into and are made aware the aims of the research
    • Deception
      Deliberately withholding information from participants
    • Protection from harm
      Participants should not be placed at any more risk than what they would be in their daily lives, and should be protected from physical and psychological harm
    • Privacy and confidentiality
      Participants have the right to control information about themselves
    • Pilot study
      A small-scale investigation that takes place before the investigation is conducted to check procedures are working
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