Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Cards (25)

  • Five essential components of EFM
    1. Baseline FHR
    2. Variability
    3. Accelerations
    4. Decelerations
    5. Changes in FHR over time
  • Internal Fetal Monitoring
    • Invasive: membranes must be ruptured, cervix sufficiently dilated and presenting part low
    • Spiral electrode for FHR
    • IUPC for uterine contractions
  • Peak intensity
    With IUPC: 50-75 mmHg, up to 110 mmHg with pushing
  • Resting tone
    Want 5-15 mmHg, up to 20 mmHg
  • Frequency
    3-5 contractions averaged over 10 minutes
    More than 5= tachysystole
  • Resting time
    At least 30 seconds between contractions
  • Duration
    45-60 seconds in active phase
    60-120 seconds in transitional phase and pushing (stage 2)
  • Fetal Tachycardia:
    • FHR more than 160 bpm lasting longer than 10 minutes
    • Causes: fetal hypoxia, *maternal fever*/dehydration, maternal drugs, infection, maternal hyperthyroidism, fetal anemia, and fetal heart failure
    • NON-reassuring sign when associated with late decels, severe variable decels or absence of variability
  • Fetal Bradycardia:
    • FHR less than 110 bpm lasting longer than 10 minutes
    • Causes: fetal hypoxia, maternal supine position/hypotension, *prolonged umbilical cord compression*/cord prolapse, fetal congenital heart block, uterine tachysystole, abruptio placentae, uterine rupture, vagal stimulation (rapid fetal descent), maternal drugs.
    • NON-reassuring sign when associated with loss of variability or late decelerations
  • Baseline variability:
    • Absent: undetectable
    • Minimal: detectable but equal or less than 5 bpm
    • Average/moderate: 6-25 bpm
    • Marked: more than 25 bpm
    • Presence of moderate variability is strongly associated with adequate cerebral oxygenation
  • Absent variability:
    • Amplitude range undetectable
    • Causes: *hypoxia*, acidosis, reaction to drugs, fetal prematurity, congenital anomalies, and preexisting neurologic insult
    • NON-reassuring
  • Minimal variability:
    • Amplitude is detectable but less or equal to 5 bpm
    • Consider the three S's: SLEEP, SEDATION, SICK (Hypoxic)
    • NON-reassuring
  • Average/Moderate variability
    • Amplitude: 6-25 bpm
    • Strongly associated with adequate cerebral oxygenation
  • Marked variability
    • Amplitude: more than 25 bpm
    • Causes: mild hypoxia, fetal activity and alterations in placental blood flow
    • Need for continued frequent assessment
  • Sinusoidal Patterns
    • Smooth, wave-like pattern
    • Rate of 3-5 per minute for more than 10 minutes
    • Occurs with: fetal asphyxia/hypoxia, fetal infection, severe fetal anemia (Rh isoimmunization & fetal bleeds)
    • Psuedosinusoidal: medication effection (narcotics)
    • Category III, NON-reassuring
  • Accelerations:
    • Temporary increase in FHR above the baseline
    • Visual increase in FHR above BL of 15 bpm for 15 seconds
    • Normally caused by fetal movement or in response to uterine contractions
    • Caused by sympathetic response to fetal movement
    • Generally reassuring
  • Early decelerations:
    • Caused by head compression resulting in vagal reflex
    • Inversely mirror contractions in beginning, end and nadir/peak
  • Late decelerations:
    • Caused by uteroplacental insufficiency
    • FHR returns to baseline after contractions ends
  • Late decelerations:
    • Related to presence of fetal hypoxemia
    • Nursing actions: reposition, hydrate, oxygen, discontinue oxytocin, and notify provider
    • Always NON-reassuring!
  • Variable decelerations:
    • Caused by umbilical cord compression
    • Usually a V shape
    • Non-reassuring if repetitive
    • More common following ROM
    • Nursing actions: reposition*, hydrate, oxygen, notify provider and amnioinfusion*
  • Prolonged Deceleration:
    • Often caused by prolonged cord compression
    • Never reassuring
    • Abrupt decrease in FHR of at least 15 bpm below baseline, lasting 2-10 minutes
  • V: Variable decelerations
    E: Early decelerations
    A: Accelerations
    L: Late decelerations
    C: Cord compression/prolapse
    H: Head compression
    O: Okay
    P: Placental insufficiency
  • Nursing interventions for Non-reassuring patterns:
    • Maternal reposition
    • Maternal VS to identify hypotension, HTN, fever
    • Hydrate
    • IV fluids
    • Oxygen via facemask at 8-10 L/minute
    • Stop oxytocin
  • Category I (Normal):
    • Baseline rate: 110-160 bpm
    • Moderate variability (6-25)
    • NO late or variable decels
    • Early decels (absent or present)
    • Accelerations (absent or present)
  • Category III (WORST)
    • Absent variability with recurrent late decels, recurrent variable decels, or bradycardia OR sinusoidal pattern