Mean: 100, SD: 15 for: Full scale FSIQ, Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), Processing Speed Index (PSI), General ability index (GAI) - VCI, PRI (6 subtests)
WAIS-IV sample (Wechsler, 2008) Normative sample of 2,200 adults 16-90 years, 13 age bands, 200 at each (below 70 years), stratified by: age, gender, race/ethnicity, education level, and geographic region according to 2005 US census data
UK validation study (Wechsler, 2010) Data collection 2008-9, Validation sample: 270 aged 16-89 years, stratified to match UK population, UK data closely reflects that of the US
Clark, Lawlor-Savage & Goghari (2016) The Flynn Effect: A quantitative commentary on modernity and human intelligence. Argues these are not genuine increases in intelligence, but increasing aptitude for the types of modern thinking that modern life requires and that IQ tests measure
Dutton, van der Linden & Lynn (2016) The negative Flynn effect: Evidence that the Flynn effect has gone into reverse in some countries, with overall decline in IQ score 0.38-4.30 IQ points per decade
Checking for normal distribution of scores: Distributions symmetrical, with no anomalies, Unimodal, Sufficient spread in the scores in all age groups, Raw score distribution represents error due to sampling
WAIS-IV Internal consistency: Reported for the normative group, Coefficients for all index scores in .90s, Coefficient for Full Scale IQ is .98, Coefficients for all core subtests in .80s or .90s, and within acceptable range of all subtests, Coefficients from clinical and special group samples consistent with the above, .80 -.90 range
WAIS Inter-scorer agreement: Normative sample, All record forms double scored by two independent scorers .98-.99, Special studies for those sub-tests requiring more judgement: Similarities, Vocabulary, Information, Comprehension, 60 cases randomly selected and scored by individuals on graduate-level clinical psychology programmes, Intra-class correlations: .91-.97
Expresses variation in terms of a SD and estimates range of scores within which an obtained score might fall when using a test with a certain reliability coefficient value
WAIS-IV Confidence Intervals: Average SEM 2.16 for Full Scale IQ, SEMs vary across age and for each index/subtest, Example: Obtained score = 90, 68% CI = 90 +/- 2.16; 95% CI = 90 +/- 4.32, True score will lie between 85.68 - 94.32
WAIS-IV Known group validity: Intellectually Gifted 34 17-64 year olds (current member of Mensa), Composite scores significantly higher than matched controls, Mild or Moderate Intellectual Disability 104 16-63 year olds with a diagnosis (73 'mild', 31 'moderate'), Both groups scored significantly lower on all subtests than matched control groups