
Cards (200)

  • Power
    ability to direct the behavior of others through coercion, persuasion or leadership
  • Authority
    the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
  • Sovereignty
    Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.
  • Politics
    Method of maintaining, managing, and gaining control of government (who gets what, when, and how)
  • Nation
    a group of people who identify themselves as belonging together because of cultural, geographic or linguistic ties
  • State
    people & groups within a nation-state that have power to effect change at some level of society through direct action or political participation
  • Nation-state
    a territorial unit controlled by a single state and governed by a single government
  • Regime
    a pattern of organization for a government often described in a constitution or supreme law
  • Rule of law
    governance system that operations predictably under a little known and relative transparent set of procedural laws
  • government
    part of the state with legitimate public authority; the group of people/organizations that hold political authority in a state at any time
  • Head of state
    the chief public representative of a country, such as a president or monarch
  • head of government
    office and the person occupying the office charged with leading the operation of a government
  • Civil society
    all organizations which provide avenues of public participation in society
  • State capacity
    ability of the government to implement its policies
  • Legitimacy
    the belief that a regime is a proper one and that the government has a right to exercise authority
  • Ways to earn legitimacy
    representative government, rule of law, history of stable political system, protection of individual liberty, charismatic leadership, social welfare system available to all, government responsive of public opinion, widely shared sense of national identity
  • Permeability of national borders
    ability of a substance to allow another substance to pass through it (jobs, refugees, pollution, petroleum, wars, technology, tourists, facebook, heroin, organized crime, political ideas such as democratization, social media, Hollywood films, etc.)
  • Political culture
    collection o history, values, beliefs, assumptions, attitudes, traditions, symbols that define and influence political behavior within a nation-state
  • Ideology
    a set of basic beliefs about political, economic, social and cultural affairs that advocates believe is clearly defined
  • Pragmatism
    the attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth (Deng Xiaoping)
  • Marxism
    Emerged as the most famous socialist belief system during the 19th century. Saw all of history as the story of class struggle.
  • socialism
    A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, plays a major role in the means of production.
  • supply side economics
    An economic philosophy that holds the sharply cutting taxes will increase the incentive people have to work, save, and invest. Greater investments will lead to more jobs, a more productive economy, and more tax revenues for the government.
  • Executive branch in Britain
    PM belongs to lower house of legislature, cabinet members picked by PM, are heads of government ministries that carry out policies
  • Russian Executive branch
    Shared by popularly elected president, appointed premier (Prime Minister), cabinet members are heads of gov't ministries, policy made by legislature & the president
  • China Executive branch
    Premier, named by president & national legislature, is head of gov't, cabinet ministers direct ministries to implement policy, president=head of state & head of CCP, Politburo standing committee is where policy is made
  • Nigeria Executive branch
    President=head of state & head of government, presidentially appointed, legislatively approved cabinet ministers head ministries to carry out policy made by legislature & president
  • Mexico Executive
    President head of state & head of government, cabinet members appointed by the president, lead ministries that carry out policy made by president/legislature
  • Iran Executive
    Popularly elected president is head gf government
  • Parliamentary government
    a system of governance in which the head of gov't is chosen by & serves the legislature
  • Bicameral legislatures in the AP Comp Gov 6
    Britain, Russia, Nigeria, Mexico
  • Rule of law
    constitutionalism; a governance system operating predictably under a known and transparent set of procedural rules (laws)
  • Civil law systems in AP Comp Gov 6
    Mexico, Russia, China, Iran
  • Proportional election
    an electoral system that awards seats in congress based upon vote totals, as opposed to winner take all
  • Ranked choice voting
    voters rank all candidates by their preferences, if a voter's first choice candidate is not elected, second choice candidate gets the vote, etc.
  • Iliberal state
    those that have trappings of a constitution, elections and rule of law but in fact only have symbolic constitution, non-competitive elections, fake rule of law, gov't often ignores human rights & treats citizens as subjects
  • Power distribution in UK
    fusion of powers
  • Poster distribution in Russia
    constitutional separation of powers but Putin dominant & United Russia powerful
  • Power distribution in China
    constitutional separation of powers and fusion of the Communist Party with the gov't
  • Power distribution in Nigeria
    constitutional séparation of powers, judiciary less powerful