OCR-A Biology
Created by
Grace Chung
Visit profile
Subdecks (25)
M6:S7 Populations and sustainability
OCR-A Biology
51 cards
M6:S6 Ecosystems
OCR-A Biology
94 cards
M6:S5 Cloning and biotechnology
OCR-A Biology
83 cards
M6:S4 Manipulation genomes
OCR-A Biology
55 cards
M6:S3 Evolution
OCR-A Biology
29 cards
M6:S2 Patterns of inheritance
OCR-A Biology
78 cards
M6:S1 Cellular control
OCR-A Biology
44 cards
M5:S6 Respiration
OCR-A Biology
127 cards
M5:S5 Photosynthesis
OCR-A Biology
152 cards
M5:S4 Plant responses and hormones
OCR-A Biology
95 cards
M5:S3 Animal responses
OCR-A Biology
109 cards
M5:S2 Excretion
OCR-A Biology
149 cards
M5:S1 Communication and Homeostatsis
OCR-A Biology
230 cards
M4:S3 Classification and evolution
OCR-A Biology
168 cards
M4:S2 Biodiversity
OCR-A Biology
99 cards
M4:S1 Disease and the immune system
OCR-A Biology
185 cards
M3:S3 Transport in plants
OCR-A Biology
120 cards
M3:S2 Transport in animals
OCR-A Biology
151 cards
M3:S1 Exchange and transport
OCR-A Biology
75 cards
M2:S6 Cell division and cellular organisation
OCR-A Biology
127 cards
M2:S5 Biological Membranes
OCR-A Biology
57 cards
M2:S4 Enzymes
OCR-A Biology
80 cards
M2:S3 Nucleotides and Nucleic acids
OCR-A Biology
63 cards
M2:S2 Biological molecules
OCR-A Biology
193 cards
M2:S1 Cell structure
OCR-A Biology
139 cards