Agreement between a company and an event/athlete where the company gives money/equipment in exchange for rights to associate the company name with the product
Advantages of Sponsorships
More money
More competitions
Improve performance
Improve facilities
Improve technology
Increase participation
Raising sport of an individual
Disadvantages of Sponsorships
Increase pressure on athletes, lead to deviance behaviour
Lack of control of self
Lack of privacy
Risk of injury - positive deviance
Conflict of views/values
Personal appearances
Contractual obligations, athlete has no choice but to take part
Advantages of media on sport
Create rolemodels
Raise profile of sport and individual players
increase revenue
develop spectator insight
change event structure or schedule
Social media platform
Disadvantages on media in sport
Encourage spectating not participation
Lose traditional values
Negatively promote news stories
Cover inappropriate behaviour
creation of negative role models, increase aggression
Increase pressure on officials decisions
lead to sensationalism
newspapers are dominated by male sports
saturation -> to much coverage
Focus on media instead of sport
Positives of social media
Promote political views e.g. Marcus Rashford
Athletes use it for commercial reasons
Easy to promote sponsors
Give live updates to viewers
Increase participation
Use it to gain attention to move clubs
Negatives of social media to sport
Takes athlete's away from day job
Increase 'armchair' fans
Can lead to hate crimes e.g. racial abuse
Damage athlete's mental health
Fans may go to negative deviance due to pressure
Intrude on personal lives
Increase pressure on referee's
Lapses in professionalism are available for all to see