
Cards (2)

  • strengths:
    • paved the way to explore the environment and crime
    • this was new/innovative and is still used in contemporary society
    • researchers now look at residential instability, population heterogeneity etc
  • Limitations of the theory
    • Lacks clarity and clear tested hypotheses
    • Downplays man-made structures that have a role in crime in cities
    • Ecological fallacy: we cannot assume everyone in high crime areas commit crime
    • Cultural transmission: some have argued this term does not explain criminal cultures like gangs come into being
    • Too much focus on space and place?
    • Seems to emphasise that crime and delinquent values fit with lower classes and inequality and middle-class upbringings fit with non-criminal values
    • Too simplistic - can it be applied to various crimes? e.g. emotive, manipulative, sexual crimes, not always learned behaviour or passed down behaviours