Cards (43)

  • First aid - is an immediate assistance given to any person suffering from a minor or serious injury.
  • First aid is not a full medical treatment, but something that can be done to stabilize a person so they can be moved to the hospital for medical treatment.
  • Legal considerations for giving first aid are consent, duty of care, negligence, and abandonment.
  • Informed consent - applies when the person is conscious.
  • Implied consent - applies when the person is unconscious.
  • Duty of care - a person may owe such if they are responsible for the injured person.
    ex. Teacher has a student who is sick. Since it was during their class hours, the teacher is responsible for the student and shuld send them to the clinic.
  • Negligence - If duty of care was neglected by someone responsible to provide care, negligence is established.
    ex. the teacher neglected the sick student and his condition got worse.
  • Abandonment - first aiders must not abandon their patients unless they need to call for help and no bystanders are available to help.
  • Gentle - should not cause or inflict pain.
  • Resourceful makes use of the things at hand.
  • Observant - should notice all signs and is aware of what is happening and what may happen
  • Tactful - must handle patients with utmost care.
  • Emphatic - should be comforting.
  • Respectable - must maintain a caring and professional attitude.
  • Shock - a condition in which the circulatory system fails to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the body's tissues and vital organs.
  • Bleeding - loss of blood escaping the circulatory system.
    Techniques: direct pressure and pressure bandage.
  • Closed wound - the outer layer of the skin is intact and the damage lies below the surface.
  • Closed wound: apply ice pack, elevate injured part, comfort, and let the person rest.
  • Open wound - outer layer of the skin is broken. The break can be as minor as a scrape of the surface or as sever as deep penetration.
  • An avulsion is a forcible tearing off of skin or another part of the body, such as an ear or a finger.
  • A laceration is a wound that is produced by the tearing of soft body tissue
  • An incision is a cut that's made in your skin during a surgery or procedure. This is also known as a surgical wound.
  • Amputation - removal of a part of the body e.g., limbs and fingers
  • Abrasion - wounds where your skin has been rubbed or torn off.
  • A puncture is a wound made by a pointed object such as a nail, knife, or sharp tooth.
  • OPEN WOUNDS: Control the bleeding, cover the wound, care for infection, call for physician
  • minor wound
  • major wound
  • Burns - injuries to the skin caused by heat, chemical, electricity, and radiation
  • thermal burn
  • chemical burn
  • electrical burn
  • radiation burn
  • Heat cramps - painful involuntary muscle cramps that can occur during or after exercise or work in a hot environment.
  • Strain - occurs when muscle is stretched too much and tears.
  • Sprain - a.k.a., torn ligament; the partial or complete rupture of ligament in joints.
  • Fracture - a broken bone. May range from a thin crack to a complete break.
  • REST for 48 hours
    ICE pack for 20 minutes, 4-8 times a day
    ELEVATE injured part 6-10 inches above the ground.
  • Firefighters carry - conscious and unconscious patient in a dangerous situation
  • Clothes drag - good for head and neck injury