Monday exams

Cards (64)

  • Ethics
    The study of morality (rightness or wrongness) of the human act
  • Ethos
    Greek word meaning character
  • Morality
    System of behavior regarding standards of good or bad behavior
  • Human Acts
    • Actions which man performs knowingly, freely, and voluntarily
    • Result of conscious knowledge and are subjected to the control of will
  • Acts of Man
    • Instinctive actions and are not within the control of the will
    • Includes biological and physiological movements in man such as metabolism, respiration, fear, anger, love, and jealousy
  • Constituents of Human Acts
    • Knowledge - awareness of what the moral agent is doing
    • Voluntariness - comes from the Latin word voluntas meaning will of a human
    • Freedom - A quality by which one is able to choose one or more alternatives
  • Modifiers of Human Acts
    • Ignorance
    • Passion
    • Fear
    • Violence
    • Habits
  • End
    Refers to the purpose or goal of an act
  • Kinds of End
    • Proximate End
    • Remote End
    • Intermediate End
    • Ultimate End
  • Determinants of Morality
    • The Object of the Action
    • The Motive of the Act
    • Circumstance of the Act
  • Intrinsic Evil
    Actions or behaviors that are Inherently and objectively immoral, regardless of the circumstances or intentions surrounding them
  • Extrinsic Evil
    Actions that may be morally acceptable or unacceptable depending on the circumstances
  • Moral Standards
    Pertains to rules and actions we believe to be morally acceptable and morally unacceptable
  • Non-Moral Standards
    Refers to the standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right or wrong in a non-moral way
  • Moral Dilemma
    A situation in which a person is torn between right and wrong and looks at the very core of a person's moral principles, values, and personal philosophy
  • Levels of Moral Dilemma
    • Personal Dilemma
    • Organizational Dilemma
    • Structural Dilemma
  • Types of Moral Dilemma
    • Epistemic Dilemma
    • Ontological Dilemma
    • Self-Imposed Dilemma
    • World Imposed Dilemma
    • Obligation Dilemma
    • Prohibition Dilemma
    • Single Agent Dilemma
    • Multi-Person Dilemma
  • Critical Decision Making
    1. Gather facts
    2. Identify the stakeholders
    3. Articulate the dilemma
    4. List the alternatives
    5. Compare alternatives with the principles
    6. Weigh the consequences
    7. Decide
  • Culture
    A product of psychological, social, biological, and material factors
  • Values
    Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture that set the standard of what is desirable or undesirable
  • Custom
    A regular, patterned way of behaving that is considered characteristic of life in a social system
  • Beliefs
    Tenets or convictions that people hold to be true
  • Tradition
    A belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past
  • Enculturation
    The process of learning one's culture through observation and interaction with others
  • Acculturation
    The process through which a person or group from one culture comes to adopt the practices and values of another culture, while still retaining their own distinct culture
  • Assimilation
    The complete adoption of the dominant culture as well as the rejection of the previous culture
    The process of learning one's own culture through observation and interaction with others, starting from the earliest stages of life
  • Enculturation enables individuals to familiarize with their own cultures and to conform to its expectations
  • Enculturation is an essential requirement for surviving and becoming an accepted member of one's own community or society
    A process through which a person or group from one culture comes to adopt the practices and values of another culture, while still retaining their own distinct culture
    A more extreme form of cultural change and involves the complete adoption of the dominant culture as well as the rejection of the previous culture
  • ART

    An expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, primarily appreciated for beauty and emotional power
    Records of man's experiences, his values, sentiments, his ideals, and his goals; expression of man's feelings and thoughts
  • Cave Painting - The Galloping Wild Boar

    • Altamira, Spain 1897
  • Art is universal - in every country and generation "art is not good because it is old, but old is good because it's good"
  • Art is not nature - art is man's expression of his reception of nature
  • Art involves experience - you have to sense it, see it, or hear it
  • Purposes of Art
    • Ceremonial
    • Narrative
    • Artistic Expression
    • Functional
    • Persuasive
  • Art is a natural behavior, just like language is a natural behaviour of expressing oneself
  • Art is a universal form of communication that everyone can understand