English - quotes s3

Cards (12)

  • "Out of the night that covers me" - Struggles and suffering
    - imagery - metaphor - darkness and fear

    - personification suggests it's closing in on him (covers)

    - poem starts with thoughts of moving forward
  • " and yet the menace of the years" - Struggles and suffering
    - personification of time passing.

    - menace suggests this can be frightening
  • "pit from Pole to pole" - Struggles and suffering
    - trapped in his life

    - just as a pit is dark and hard to get out of, so too he is stuck in his situation.

    alliteration - harsh sound echoes his fight against his suffering
  • "finds and shall find me unafraid" - determination and perseverance
    - 'f' strong sound repeated, highlighting his strength.

    - repetition of 'find' emphasises how determined and how strong he is.
  • "I have not winced nor cried" - determination and perseverance
    - does not show any pain, he is in control. He has shown not even the tiniest of reaction.

    - repetition of the negatives highlights his determination to show no weakness.
  • "my head is bloody, but unbowed" - determination and perseverance
    - alliteration of the plosive sounds suggests his forceful determination.

    - word choice - he is weakened but he won't give up.
  • "place of wrath and tears" - deciding his own fate and survival
    - word choice - annotations of extreme anger

    - metaphor for the pain and suffering of life.
  • "Strait the gate" - deciding his own fate and survival
    biblical allusion - idea that living virtuously will lead you to heaven
  • "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" - deciding his own fate and survival
    - anaphora - drives home his total conviction that he is in control of his fate, no one else

    - he is in charge - steering his own metaphorical ship
  • iambic tetrameter
    8 beats per line
  • "it matters not" - inversion
    inverted order of words in a sentence (variation of the subject-verb-object order)
  • ABAB rhyme scheme - "me ... be"
    mirrors his un-waving determination