in 1968, Herbert Packer describe two sets of values that shape the way the criminal justice system works
Crimes a threat to peoples freedom, so goal of crime control model is to suppress crime, it prioritises, catching and punishing offenders, deterring, and preventing them from committing crime
Starts with a presumption of guilt, trusting police to identify those who are probably guilty through investigation
AC:3.1 crime control model p2
Links to CJS
Police powers under PACE, stop, search, arrest, terrorist cases police can detain for 14 days, not just 24 hours,
abolishment of double jeopardy means people can be tried twice for the same crime (due to Julie Hogg and Billy Dunlop)
AC: 3.1 crime control model p3
Links to theory
Right realism, crime control model is conservative and right wing, right realist, prioritise order, rather than Justice, right realist, would favour zero tolerance strategies, if it meant crime was suppressed
Functionalist, Durkheim he argues crime and punishment is needed to bring legal change, idea of a justice system that punishes means society can demonstrate disapproval and can lead to reform improving the criminal justice system
AC: 3.1 due process model
Often called obstacle course, because they argue there should be legislative obstacles to overcome beforeconviction
Presumes innocence, and that everyone has a right to fair trial (links to article six of human rights act, right to a fair trial)
Power of state is greatest threat to individuals, freedom, goal of the due process model is to protect individual from oppression
AC 1.3 conclusions about the models
Smith, due process can never be provided as a yardstick because criminal justice must always be a compromise between both due process and crime control
Duff says there will always be differencesbetweendue process and crime control because there’s confusion over the meaning of crime control
Potentially suggesting both the needed for an effective criminal justice system as they balance both sides
Ac 1.3 crime control model
in 1968, Herbert Packer describe two sets of values that shape the way the criminal justice system works
Crimes a threat to peoples freedom, so goal of crime control model is to suppress crime, it prioritises, catching and punishing offenders, deterring, and preventing them from committing crime
Starts with a presumption of guilt, trusting police to identify those who are probably guilty through investigation