Heredity sets the parameters or outer limits, but an individual's full potential will be determined by how well he or she adjusts to the demands and requirements of the environment
A Myers-Briggs Score can be valuable for self-awareness and career guidance, but should not be used as a selection tool because it has not been related to job performance
The Big Five model of personality dimensions is widely accepted today because this model presents a blueprint for understanding the main dimensions of personality, and experts have found that these traits are universal and provide an accurate portrait of human personality
Individuals who are dependable, reliable, careful, thorough, able to plan, organized, hardworking, persistent, and achievement-oriented tend to have higher job performance in most if not all occupations
Individuals who score high on openness to experience are more creative in science and art than those who score low, and are more likely to be effective leaders and more comfortable with ambiguity and change
Extraversion is a relatively strong predictor of leadership emergence in groups; extraverts are more socially dominant, "take charge" sorts of people, and they are generally more assertive than introverts
People who have positive core self-evaluations like themselves and see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment. Those with negative core self-evaluations tend to dislike themselves, question their capabilities, and view themselves as powerless over their environment.
Low self-esteem individuals are more susceptible to external influence than are high self-esteem individuals, and are dependent on the receipt of approval and acceptance from others
Cannot disguise themselves, tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation resulting in a high behavioral consistency between who they are and what they do