When one of the parties is incapable of giving consent to a contract
Voidable Contract
Those where the consent is vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence or fraud
remedy provided by law for reason of public interest for the declaration of the inefficacy of a contrast based on a defect or vice in the consent of one of the contracting parties
The action for annulment shall be brought within four years
For intimidation, violence, or undue influence - from the time the defect of the consent ceases
The action for annulment shall be brought within four years
For mistake or fraud - from the time of discovery of the same
The action for annulment shall be brought within four years
For incapacitated people - from the time of the guardianship ceases
extinguishes the action to annul a voidable contract
one voluntarily adopts or approves some defective or unauthorized act or contract which, without his subsequent approval or consent, would not be binding on him.
cleanses the contract from all its defects from the moment it was constituted
A voidable contract that undergo ratification
Contract is valid
Who may ratify for an incapacitated person
The guardian; or
The injured party himself provided he is already capacitated
Who may ratify when voidable contracts are on the ground for the vices of consent?
The party whose consent is vitiated
A unilateral act by which a party waives the defect in the consent
S sold a parcel of land to B. The consent of S was vitiated by fraud. Subsequently, S sold the same lot to C. Can C bring an action to annul the sale?
Can the guilty party without right bring action?
If an obligation has been annulled
Contracting parties must restore to each other the things that have been the subject matter or the contract, with their fruits, and the price with its interest, except in cases provided by law
The defect of the contract is the incapacity of a party
The incapacitated person is not obliged to make any restitution
Except insofar as he has been benefited by the thing or price received by him
Plaintiff - nagdemanda
Defendant - dinemanda
Thing to be returned is lost without the fault of the defendant
There is no more obligation to return such a thing
Cannot be compelled to restore
Thing lost because of the fault of the defendant
Obligation not extinguished
Converted into an indeminity for damages
Thing lost due to plaintiff's fault
Annulment is extinguished
(Annulment) If the party cannot restore what he is bound to return because of fortuitous event
There is no annulment
(Annulment) If the party cannot restore what he is bound to return not because of fortuitous event