Cards (12)

  • Courage - It is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery
  • Physical Courage - bravery at the risk of bodily harm or death
  • Social Courage - involves the risk of social embarrassment or exclusion
  • Intellectual Courage -This speaks to our willingness to engage with challenging ideas, to question our thinking, and to the risk of making mistakes. It means discerning and telling the truth
  • Emotional Courage -This type of courage opens us to feeling the full spectrum of positive emotions, at the risk of encountering the negative ones. It is strongly correlated with happiness
  • Spiritual Courage -This fortifies us when we grapple with questions about faith, purpose, and meaning, either in a religious or non-religious framework
  • Moral Courage -This involves doing the right thing, particularly when risks involve shame, opposition, or the disapproval of others.
  • Develop and practice self-discipline - It includes nurturing the ability to stick to actions, thoughts, and behavior, which leads to moral improvement and success. It encompasses endowing the inner strength to focus all the energy on a moral goal and persevere until it is accomplished
  • Do mental strength training - Everybody is normally confronted and tempted by an endless stream of cravings and temptations, many of which are not important or desirable. By practicing to refuse to gratify every one of them, a person becomes courageous and stronger
  • Draw inspiration from people of great courage - People usually admire and respect courageous persons who have won great success by manifesting self-discipline and willpower
  • Repeatedly do acts that exhibit moral courage and will - Practice makes perfect. If one wishes to nurture the moral courage and will in him, he must strive doing the acts that manifest them whenever opportunity allows it
  • Avoid deeds that show lack of moral courage and will - This involves evading acts that show irresponsibility, cowardice, apathy, rashness, imprudence, ill will, and wickedness.