فهم ما يحفز الناس على السفر كسائحين وكيف يتم إقناعهم وكيفية تفاعلهم مع الإعلانات يعتمد على الثقافة
يجب على مؤلفي الإعلانات السياحية (وبالتالي المترجمين) أن يأخذوا دائما السياق الثقافي للجمهور المستهدف في الاعتبار عند تطوير الحملات الإعلانية في الأسواق المختلفة
استهداف الأنا
استخدام لغة مباشرة للتوجه إلى القارئ مباشرة مما يجعله يشعر بأنه مميز أو محظوظ
فعالية تقنية استهداف الأنا تعتمد على مستوى الفردية في الثقافة المستهدفة
الثقافة تلعب دورا أساسيا في تحديد سلوك السياحة وتؤدي الاختلافات الثقافية بين المجتمعات إلى اختلافات في سلوك السياح
من منظور الإعلان السياحي، يكون تأثير الثقافة الأكثر عمقا على عاملين: الدافع والأسلوب التواصلي
الأبحاث السياحية عبر الثقافات تظهر أن الناس من ثقافات مختلفة لديهم طرق تفكير وشعور وتفاعل وإدراك للواقع مختلفة، وبالتالي لديهم اختلافات فريدة في دوافعهم للسفر كسياح
عدم الخطية
إمكانية الانتقال بين المحتويات المختلفة عبر الروابط التشعبية
إمكانية التفاعل مع المحتوى من قبل المستخدم
مواد الترويج السياحي هي شكل من أشكال الإعلان تُعرف باسم "الوسائل المساعدة" في مجال التسويق والإعلان
مواد الترويج السياحي تأتي في مجموعة متنوعة من الأشكال من المطبوعات إلى المواد عبر الإنترنت
The tourist brochure may contain detailed written information on the tourism product, or emphasise visuals (pictures, maps, animation and videos) with limited verbal information such as the pictorial brochure promoting a particular destination
Today, with the digitisation of information, the Internet has taken over much of the role of the traditional print media in promoting tourism
The role of printed tourist brochures as a significant promotional tool for the tourism industry and an important source of information for tourists is now gradually being replaced by the Internet, which performs the same promotional role, albeit in a different medium and in a more comprehensive and integrated manner
As the Internet becomes the main source of tourism information for a rapidly growing percentage of international tourists, tourism organisation websites have now become the main medium through which info-promotional tourism content is disseminated
The tourist's decision to 'purchase' a destination is increasingly based on information made available on the Internet
The Internet and websites have affected the entire tourism value chain in an irreversible way and have become a crucial tool compared with other promotion and advertising
Created through the verbal, visual and auditory elements of tourism advertisements, reminds consumers or makes them aware that they have unsatisfied needs (push factor) that can be fulfilled by tourism products (pull factor)
Fundamental notions that underpin the dynamics of tourism advertising
Tourist motivation
Industry persuasion
Tourist motivation
Seeks to answer the question 'why do people become tourists'
Industry persuasion
Focuses on the question 'how does the industry persuade people to become tourists and choose one destination over another?'
The marketing message is culturally filtered through the perception of tourists, who belong to disparate socio-cultural contexts
Identifying the features of tourism promotion means cataloguing those pre-systematized representations (both linguistic and socio-cultural) that are particular to given sociocultural contexts and that the tourism industry has selected to persuade potential tourists to choose the advertised product
Despite the importance of language in tourism in general and in tourism promotion in particular, this issue has not been given much attention by researchers until very recently
It is language that informs the tourist about what must be seen and experienced before they embark on the journey and that language itself constructs and sustains tourists' anticipation of 'intense pleasure' through a variety of non-tourist technologies such as brochures, magazines, TV and films
It is not so much a place that is inherently touristic but rather it is language that makes it so
In the process 'phrase precedes gaze'
Tourism Promotional Materials (TPMs)
Considered operative or persuasive texts
Their dominant function is to induce behavioural responses, by persuading, attracting attention and arousing interest
They also convey essential information and are therefore informative and content-oriented
The expressive function is also evident in TPMs in the sense that they aim to communicate thoughts in a creative manner and create the intended effect
Of all the tourism communication strategies, advertising is usually the most obvious as it is conducted on a larger scale compared to other strategies
Aim of tourism advertising
To create perceptions, beliefs, impressions, ideas and expectations that satisfy a need in the mind of the potential tourist
These mental representations are collectively referred to in Tourism Studies as 'image' or more precisely 'destination image'
About getting across the perfect message, with the perfect words: that is, words that change the way people, think, feel and act
In the case of TPM copywriting, it is about rousing the burning desire in the reader to visit a tourist attraction or stay at a particular hotel
TPMs depend on the interplay of all three textual functions (operative, informative and expressive) to achieve their purpose
The persuasive-informative mix in particular has attracted the attention of a number of scholars
Operative function
The goal
Informative function
The premise
The persuasive function of TPMs is achieved through the provision of sufficient background information (informative function)