Americans and students are over-represented in research. A review that 68% of researchparticipants came from UnitedStates and 96% from industrialisednations (Henrich et al.) Another review found that 80% of research participants were undergraduates studying psychology (Arnett)
Ethnocentrism is a form of culturalbias. In psychologyresearch this may be communicated through a view that anybehaviour that doesn'tconform to a European/American standard is somehow deficient or underdeveloped
An example of ethnocentrism is that Ainsworth and Bell's research on attachmenttype reflected the norms of USculture. They suggested that idealattachment (secure) was defined as a babyshowingmoderatedistress when leftalone by the motherfigure. This has led to misinterpretation of child-rearingpractices in othercountries which deviated from the USnorm.
cultural realism helps to avoidculturalbias. The "facts" that psychologistsdiscover may only make sense from the perspective of the culture within which they were discovered. Being able to recognise this is one way of avoidingculturalbias in research
One limitation of cultural bias is that many studies are culturalbiased. Both Asch's and Milgram's original studies were conducted with middle-classUSparticipants.Replications of these studies in different countries produced rather different results. Asch-type experiments in collectivist cultures found significantlyhigher rates of conformity than the original studies in the US, an individualistculture. This suggests our understanding of topics such as socialinfluence should only be applied to individualist cultures
One strength of cultural bias is the emergence of culturepsychology.Culturalpsychology is the study of how peopleshape and are shaped by their culturalexperience. It is an emergingfield that takes an epicapproach. Research is conducted from inside a culture, often alongsidelocalresearchers using culturally- based techniques.Fewercultures are considered when comparing differences. This suggests that modernpsychologists are mindful of the danger of culturalbias and are takingsteps to avoid it