it quiz

Cards (30)

  • an interactive platforms where content is created, distributed, and share by individuals on the web.
    social media
  • small icons or images used to express ideas or emotions in digital communication
  • what are the two pillars of digital citizenship
    respect and protect
  • blogging tools that feature short posts, as opposed to journal-style posts
  • the sum total of all the information about you online
    digital footprint
  • a site that lets users engage in conversations by posting and responding to community messages
    online forum
  • a person who uses ICT to participate in social interactions online in a regular basis
    digital citizen
  • a full electronic participation in society
    digital access
  • websites allow a community of people to add and edit content in a community-based database
  • a graphical representation of a user or the user's character or persona
  • sites that show reviews from community members for all sorts of locations and experiences
    social review site
  • it allow users to share different types of media, with the two main ones being image sharing and video hosting sites
    media sharing
  • a webpage that mainly contains a list of recent posts made by one's contacts
    web feeds
  • the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology
    digital literacy
  • a social media site that allows you to connect with people who have similar interests and backgrounds
    social networks
  • a law which aims to facilitate and regulate commercial transactions that are made using electronic devices or ICT in particular
    e-commerce law
  • any gaming service which allows players to access and play video games over a live-streamed connection
    cloud gaming
  • a software that is used to commit acts of cybercrime
  • it refers to acts that involve criminal uses of the internet or other networked systems that cause harm to others or create some form of disturbance
  • it is the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in healthcare
  • the process of trying to get personal information out of someone through personal contact
    social engineering
  • any software or technology that secretly tracks a computer user's activity and gathers information about that person's computer use
  • a law that seeks to protect the human right to privacy and communication, while also ensuring the freedom of information. it aims to protect the personal information of the citizens, ensuring that any usage of personal data must be consensual
    data piracy law
  • a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input
    self-driving car
  • a program that lies dormant (and thus undetected) in a computer system until a particular condition is met
    logic bomb
  • the law that aims to protect computer systems, databases, networks, and others from any form of misuse and/or illegal access
    cybercrime law
  • the exchange of medical information from one location to another using electronic communication, which improves patient health status
  • it occurs when a person uses online means to aggressively intimidate, discriminate or pressure a person
  • it occurs when someone deliberately obtains and uses another person's personally identifying information resulting in fraud
    identity theft
  • the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies