Henry VIII Society and Economy

Cards (9)

  • Nobility - 9 new peers by 1547.
    Only one Duke (Buckingham) in 1509
    Patronage - I.e. Duke of Suffolk after pilgrimage of Grace
  • Nobles required for influence, such as recruiting the Royal Army - Earl of Shrewsbury raised 4,000 for the 1513 invasion of France
    However they could still be tried and treated as common criminals - Baron Dacre (Thomas Fiennes) in 1541
  • 5,000 Gentle families in 1540, 200 Knightly families in 1424
  • Inflation dropped real wages, led to dislike of Amicable Grant in 1525. 1,000 gathered on Essex-Suffolk Border, 4,000 in Lavenham, Suffolk.
  • Wales Act 1536: Wales divided into Shire Counties, given direct representation in Parliament and gave it the same legal system as England.
  • Palatinates - Lancashire and Cheshire returned to Crown but Durham still under the control of the Bishop - his influence was reduced by the Act of Resuming Liberties to the Crown 1536
  • 40,000 supporters for Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536. Prompted by dissolution of the Monasteries and the Injunctions that challenged practices, as well as heavy taxation. Led by Aske and 18 gentry. Henry gave a pardon to the rebels if they dispersed. Fresh rebellions in 1537 led to Aske and the leaders' executions.
  • 25% Cloth exports in 1533-34, 1520s saw agricultural prices rise
  • Bad harvests, Debasement of Coinage, Enclosure, Unemployment and Wars led to economic depression.