2Chapter IP Addressing, Subnetting

Cards (46)

  • IP Addressing
    An address used in order to uniquely identify a device on a computer network
  • An IP address is an identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network
  • Networks use the IP address of the destination to route messages
  • IP address
    An identifier that is assigned at the Internet layer to an interface or a set of interfaces
  • Each IP address can identify the source or destination of IP packets
  • When you enable TCP/IP on an interface, you assign it one or more logical IP addresses, either automatically or manually
  • The IP address is a logical address because it is assigned at the Internet layer and has no relation to the physical addresses
  • IPv4
    The current version of IP, defines a 32-bit address which means that there are only 2^32 (4,294,967,296) IPv4 addresses available
  • The address shortage problem is aggravated by the fact that portions of the IP address space have not been efficiently allocated
  • The traditional model of classful addressing does not allow the address space to be used to its maximum potential
  • Dotted-decimal notation
    IP addresses are often expressed as four decimal numbers, each separated by a dot to make them easier for human users to read and write
  • Converting IPv4 address from binary to dotted decimal
    1. Segment it into 8-bit blocks
    2. Convert each block to decimal
    3. Separate the blocks with periods
  • Classful addressing
    The IP address space is split into three predefined classes (A, B, C) with each class fixing the boundary between the network-prefix and the host-number at a different point within the 32bit address
  • Class A addresses
    • 8-bit network-prefix with the highest order bit set to 0 and a seven-bit network number, followed by a 24-bit host number
    • Maximum of 126 /8 networks can be defined
    • Each /8 supports a maximum of 16,777,214 hosts per network
  • Class B addresses
    • 16-bit network-prefix with the two highest order bits set to 1-0 and a 14-bit network number, followed by a 16-bit host-number
    • Maximum of 16,384 /16 networks can be defined
    • Each /16 supports up to 65,534 hosts per network
  • Class C addresses
    • 24-bit network-prefix with the three highest order bits set to 1-1-0 and a 21-bit network number, followed by an 8-bit host-number
    • Maximum of 2,097,152 /24 networks can be defined
    • Each /24 supports up to 254 hosts per network
  • Class D addresses
    Reserved for IPv4 multicast addresses, the four high-order bits are always set to 1110
  • Class E addresses
    Reserved for experimental use, the high-order bits are set to 1111
  • The classful A, B, and C octet boundaries were easy to understand and implement, but they did not foster the efficient allocation of a finite address space
  • ICANN assigns public addresses, which consist of either historically allocated classful address prefixes or CIDR address prefixes
  • When ICANN assigns a public address prefix to an organization, routes are added to the routers of the Internet so that traffic matching the address prefix can reach the organization
  • Private organization intranets that do not need an Internet connection can choose any address scheme they want, even using public address prefixes that ICANN has assigned to other networks
  • If the private organization later decides to directly connect to the Internet, these addresses could conflict with existing public addresses and become illegal addresses
  • Private addresses
    IPv4 addresses in the private address space that are never assigned as public addresses, so they never duplicate public addresses
  • Private address space
  • Subnetting
    The practice of dividing a network into two or more smaller logical networks
  • Subnetting
    Designating some high-order bits from the host part and grouping them with the network part to divide a network into smaller subnets
  • Subnetting ensures that the subnet structure of a network is never visible outside of the organization's private network
  • The route from the Internet to any subnet of a given IP address is the same, no matter which subnet the destination host is on
  • Routers within the private organization need to differentiate between the subnets
  • Subnetting
    Logical subdivision of an IP network into smaller subnets
  • Subnetting allows you to create multiple logical networks that exist within a single Class A, B, or C network
  • If you do not subnet, you are only able to use one network from your Class A, B, or C network, which is unrealistic
  • Subnetting
    1. Designating some high-order bits from the host part and grouping them with the network part
    2. Dividing a network into smaller subnets
  • Subnetting
    • Ensures that the subnet structure of a network is never visible outside of the organization's private network
    • Allows the local administrator to introduce arbitrary complexity into the private network without affecting the size of the Internet's routing tables
    • Overcomes the registered number issue by assigning each organization one (or at most a few) network number(s) from the IPv4 address space
  • Details of Subnetting
    • Prefix size
    • Network mask
    • Available subnets
    • Usable hosts per subnet
    • Total usable hosts
  • Extended-network-prefix
    Composed of the classful network-prefix and the subnet-number
  • Subnet mask
    Identifies the extended-network-prefix
  • Prefix length
    Equal to the number of contiguous one-bits in the traditional subnet mask
  • VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask)
    The process of "subnetting a subnet" and using different subnet masks for different networks in an IP plan