Macbeth - LM Quotes

Cards (13)

  • ’When you durst do it, then you were a man’
    She is making Macbeth feel like he is not manly unless he kills Duncan
  • ‘Unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty‘
    She is summoning evil spirits to replace the good in her
  • ‘That I may pour my spirits in thine ear’
    LM wants to manipulate Macbeth and get him to do as she wants
    • Deceit
  • ‘Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’

    LM is telling Macbeth to appear well-meaning and gentle to hide his deceit
  • ’Out damned spot - out I say’

    LM sees a vision of blood
    Shows that she is going mad as punishment of breaking the great chain of being
    • Motif of blood/Madness
  • ‘I shame to wear a heart so white‘
    LM is saying that Macbeth is a coward for feeling guilty for Duncan’s murder because they are both just as guilty for his murder
    • Guilt/Betrayal
  • ‘A little water cleans us of this deed’
    She is suggesting that the crime could simply be washed away by water - LM has become more ruthless as Macbeth's courage begins to fade
  • 'screw your courage to the sticking place'

    LM is telling Macbeth to ready his courage for the upcoming deed of killing the king
  • 'I fear thy nature is too full of the milk of human kindness'
    LM is expressing that she feels that Macbeth is not evil enough to kill the king
  • 'take my milk for gall'
    LM wants any femininity removed from her as she feels that it is a weakness
  • 'What's done is done'
    LM wants to put the deed behind them and she does not feel any remorse
  • 'Are you a man'?

    LM is challenging Macbeths masculinity when he claims to see banquo's ghost
  • 'All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand'

    LM believes she can never be redeemed from this diabolical sin - juxtaposes her previous statements