
Cards (102)

  • Psychology
    The study of mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts
  • Psychology was earlier the study of the soul or mind, but has since moved away from this focus and established itself as a scientific discipline
  • Psychology studies phenomena at the individual, dyadic (two person), group, and organisational levels, with biological as well as social bases
  • Mental processes
    Internal states of consciousness or awareness, such as thinking, problem-solving, remembering, etc.
  • Experiences
    Subjective, internal states of the experiencing person, which cannot be directly observed by others
  • Behaviour
    Responses or reactions, both overt (observable) and covert (internal)
  • Psychology seeks to understand and explain behaviour, experience and mental processes in a systematic and verifiable manner
  • Psychology is categorised as both a natural science and a social science
  • Psychology as a natural science
    • Follows a hypothetico-deductive model, developing theories and testing hypotheses through empirical data
    • Influenced by the evolutionary approach from biological sciences
  • Psychology as a social science

    • Focuses on humans as social beings, studying behaviour in socio-cultural contexts
    • Recognises that humans are influenced by and also create their socio-cultural contexts
  • Ranjita and Shabnam
    • Two girls from different family and social backgrounds, whose experiences and behaviours are shaped by their contexts
  • Shy
    Avoided meeting people
  • Last year there was very heavy rain and the river nearby overflowed into the village
  • Many houses in the low lying areas were flooded
  • The villagers got together and organised help and gave shelter to people in distress
  • Shabnam's house was also flooded and she came to live in Ranjita's house with her mother and brother
  • Ranjita was happy helping the family and making them feel comfortable in her house
  • When the flood water receded, Ranjita's mother and grandmother helped Shabnam's mother to set-up their house
  • The two families became very close
  • Ranjita and Shabnam also became very good friends
  • Ranjita and Shabnam
    • They are very different persons
    • They grew up in different families under complex social and cultural conditions
  • There is some regularity in the relationship of their nature, experience and mental processes with their social and physical environment
  • There are variations in their behaviours and experiences which would be difficult to predict using the known psychological principles
  • One can understand why and how individuals in communities become quite helpful and self-sacrificing in crisis as was the case with the people in the village of Ranjita and Shabnam
  • Not every villager was equally helpful and also under similar circumstances not every community is so forthcoming; in fact, sometimes, the opposite is true – people become antisocial under similar circumstances indulging in looting and exploitation when some crisis occurs
  • Psychology deals with human behaviour and experience in the context of their society and culture
  • Psychology is a social science with focus on the individuals and communities in relation to their socio-cultural and physical environment
  • N.N. Sengupta and Radhakamal Mukerjee publish the first textbook on Social Psychology (London : Allen & Unwin)

  • Psychological Research Wing of the Defence Science Organisation of India is established
  • Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers publishes Client-Centred Therapy
  • B.F. Skinner publishes 'Science and Human Behaviour', strengthening behaviourism as a major approach to psychology

  • Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow publishes 'Motivation and Personality'

  • Bureau of Psychology is established at Allahabad
  • National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) is established at Bangalore
  • Hospital for Mental Diseases in Ranchi is established

  • Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen win the Nobel Prize for their work on built-in species-specific animal behaviour patterns that emerge without any prior experience/learning

  • Herbert Simon wins the Nobel Prize for work on decision-making
  • David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel win the Nobel Prize for their research on vision cells in the brain

  • Roger Sperry wins the Nobel Prize for split-brain research

  • National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India was founded
