WLD final review

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  • Full factorial experiment
    An experiment that tests all possible combinations of the treatment levels of two or more factors
  • In an experiment with 2 treatment levels for one variable and 3 treatment levels for another variable, the number of different experimental treatments needed for a full factorial experiment is 6
  • NDVI
    A satellite measurement of chlorophyll
  • Conventional tags
    Simple unique marks such as numbered ear tags used in animal movement studies
  • Point center quarter and k-tree methods
    Are the most similar vegetation sampling methods
    1. ratio and F-distribution
    Used in ANOVA analysis
  • Detection probability

    The probability of an animal being detected given it is present
  • Focal animal sampling
    One or a small group of animals is selected using sampling principles and carefully observed
  • Controlled variables in an experiment
    All treatments have been exposed to the same condition for those variables, including a control treatment, so that we can isolate the effects of treatment variables
  • Press disturbance
    • Effluent from a sewage plant
  • BACI design

    • Has both spatial and temporal controls
  • Change-in-ratio method
    Estimating population size in exploited populations by measuring the number of males compared to females before and after a hunt, with the total number of harvested animals
  • Double-sampling design

    Two surveys are performed - extensive and intensive
  • Open system
    Populations where individuals are born, die, move into or out of sampled areas between sampling or capture events
  • Nondemonic intrusion
    Unpredictable destructive events that interfere with sampling and experiments
  • Pseudoreplication
    When multiple samples are taken from a single experimental unit but treated as independent samples in a statistical analysis
  • Strip transects vs line transects
    Strip transects have a fixed width, line transects do not. Line transects incorporate a detection function, strip transects do not.
  • Diameter at breast height (DBH)
    • Measured about 140 cm from the ground
    • Standard measure of the thickness of a tree trunk
    • Can be measured using either calipers or measuring tape
  • Internal validity - specific relationship between cause and effect
    The observed effect can be elicited only by the hypothesized cause and no other
  • Interspersion in an experiment
    How evenly the experimental treatments are in space or time
  • Jolly-Seber method

    A mark-recapture method that must be used if the population being sampled is not closed