tech terms

Cards (11)

  • Research
    Helps us analyze and evaluate problems, so we can hopefully come up with a solution
  • Abstract
    A short summary of your research that explains the different sections briefly and clearly
  • Conclusion
    The last part of your research, where you synthesize all the important aspects of the study and confirm to your readers why the research is worth studying
  • Data
    The information that you have gathered, such as measurements or statistics
  • Discussion
    The part of your research where you explain the importance and main point of your study
  • Introduction
    The presentation of your chosen topic, which includes the background of your study, a general synopsis of the structure used, the focus of the research, and its scope
  • Literature Review
    Where you, as the researcher, use and review other existing studies written by experts or scholars about the topic you have chosen to enrich the study
  • Methodology
    The design of the study or the systematic process that you, as the researcher, has used for the study to produce credible results
  • Plagiarism
    When a researcher fails to credit the existing works of research used in the study
  • Reference
    Where all the sources you have cited are written and mentioned
  • Theory
    A general explanation of a specific behavior or set of events based on known principles and organizes related events in a meaningful way