Cards (6)

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
    Inflammatory disorder of the spine & sacroiliac joints, mainly in young adults
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • 5 times more common & severe in men
  • Symptoms & Signs
    • Increasing pain & prolonged morning stiffness in lower back & buttocks that improves with exercise and is worse with rest
    • Progressive loss of spinal movement (lumbar) in sagittal & frontal planes due to fusion of lumbar vertebra à abnormal Schober test (N>15cm), loss of lumbar lordosis, increased thoracic kyphosis
    • Compensatory neck hyperextension, fixed flexion of hips, & flexion of knees
    • Enthesitis à Achilles tendonitis & plantar fasciitis (enthesitis)
    • Costovertebral joint involvement à reduced chest expansion
  • Non-articular manifestations
    • Anterior uveitis
    • Aortic incompetence (regurgitation)
    • Apical lung fibrosis
    • Cardiac conduction defect
  • Investigations
    • High ESR and CRP
    • X-ray findings:
    • Erosions and sclerosis of sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis)
    • Calcification of interspinous ligaments and formation and fusion of bony spurs (syndesmophytes) à bamboo spine
    • MRI detects the disease earlier but is usually not needed
  • Treatment
    1. Morning exercises
    2. Slow release NSAIDs at night
    3. Anti TNF a (infliximab)
    4. PDE4 inhibitor (studies)
    5. Methotrexate is only effective with peripheral arthritis. It's not useful in axial disease.